Chapter Five: Find Her

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So before i write this (actually re write) I'm going to tell you what just happened. I have just spent the last forty five minutes writing this chapter, I was almost finished, I had about 200 words to go. I was really really proud of it, but guess what happened? I accidentally hit 'publish' instead of 'save'😒 meaning I lost the whole chapter. Crap! Anyway enjoy this chapter:)


Chapter Five : Find Her

"Please..." he said in a near whisper.
Everyone turned around, to listen to what he was saying. They were all shocked at how desperate he looked.
"Please guys... you-you have to find her..." he took in a deep, deep breath before continuing,
"I c-can't loose her."


Everyone eyes widened it Reid's words, they had never seen him like this before, and in all honesty, it scared them.

JJ was the first person to make a move, she got up from her seat and sat in the one next Reid. She put her right hand on his left shoulder, and gently started rubbing it. She thought it would help him relax, but instead he started to cry hysterically. He couldn't hold back his sobs. JJ was startled by his sudden outburst, so she decided to gently move her hand away, and go back to her original seat.

Everyone watched the young genius in shock, no one knew what to do, yes, they had all seen the occasional break down by another member of the team, but they were never like this, they were almost always in private, and they involved a few tears, so this was highly unexpected.

"Pretty Boy, you need to calm down or you'll struggle to breath, take a few deep breaths." Morgan said.

Reid knew that he would have to calm down, so he took his head out of his hands, stood up, and backed up until he hit a wall. When he hit the wall, he slid his back down it until he hit the floor, he then pulled his knees up to his chest, and wrapped his arms around his legs. He hid his head into his knees and began to cry all over again. His sobs were deafening to his team mates, he sounded so lost.

After a few moments, JJ couldn't bare to listen anymore, she stood up and walked over to him. She slowly sat down beside him, she looked at his face, taking in all of his features, his mouth quivered uncontrollably, and his nose sniffled constantly from all of the tears he shed. And his eyes... were like a whirl pool of emotions, she could see regret, anger, frustration in his eyes, but mostly sadness.

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