Chapter Seven: Gerald.

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Chapter 7.

Hotch frowned at his phone once Ben hung up.

"What did he say? Hotch?" Spencer asked frantically.

"Garcia, check your email." Hotch said, ignoring Reid's question.

Garcia stared blankly for a second before nodding and turning back towards her laptop. For a minute the only sound in the room was Garcia's typing, before she said.

"Uh, Sir? Someone sent me a link to a live video? Oh my god is it him?!" She asked panicking, she wouldn't be able to stand it if it was Emily on the video.

Hotch only nodded. Everyone surrounded her laptop, and Garcia clicked on the link.


"Gerald!?" Emily practically screamed. Gerald Wright. One of her many ex boyfriends. Why had he changed his name? More importantly, why the hell did he take her?

He smiled. "You were always a bright one Emmy."

She gritted her teeth. "Do not, call me that."

"I'll do what I want." He went around so he stood in front of her, and stared at the camera.

"Hello agents. Shame I can't hear or see you, but you can hear and see me. But oh well, I've got something much more important." He stepped aside so everyone watching could see Emily. "Now, you're probably wondering, 'why have I taken poor Emily?' Well that answer is simple. But who am I kidding, you don't need to hear the full story. All you need to know is she must pay for what she did." Ben stepped behind Emily, and put a rough hand on her neck.

"Tell them Emily."

Everyone gasped when they saw Emily tied up to a chair, Garcia had stood from her seat so Spencer could sit right in front of the screen.

"Tell them Emily."

They could all see her furrow her eyebrows together in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

Ben eyes hardened. "Don't play dumb. Tell them." He said squeezing her shoulder tighter until she gasped out in pain.

"I don't know what you-" she was cut off by his other hand grabbing a hand full of her hair and tugging it backwards.

Spencer cringed and put a hand to his mouth, tears pooling in his eyes.

"TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID TO ME!" He said coming in front of her and slapping her hard across the face.

Her head stayed to the side, her breathing heavy, she wasn't going to give him what he wanted, so she kept quiet.

"WHY WON'T YOU TELL THEM?" He screamed at her.

"I didn't do anything." She said angrily.

He slapped her other cheek, sending her head rolling to the opposite side.

Spencer could no longer control his tears, he was silently crying, his shoulders bouncing slightly. He kept whispering to himself.

"No, no, no, not her. Please not her."

"Liar!" he stomped off towards the camera, Emily knew he was going to turn it off and she saw her chance.

"Gerald Wright, 43, originally from New York!" she yelled at the camera.

The team could only just hear him say something before the camera turned off, cutting him off too.


Everyone sat stunned for a moment, no one knowing what to say. What was he going to do to her?

Spencer was quick to snap out of his trance, he jumped out of the chair so Garcia could take his place.

"Garcia find him." He said in a very demanding tone which surprised everyone and even himself. He didn't mean to sound rude, he was just desperate to find his girlfriend, alive.

She nodded frantically and sat down and began typing. A few seconds later she spoke.

"Okay, Gerald Wright, 43, born in NYC, parents are Melissa and Robert Wright, ugh he... wow, he did extremely good in his final exams, says he wanted to be a Doctor, but when he made it out of school he dropped off the face of the planet, that's when he assumed the identity of Ben Crawfield... that odd, why'd he change his name?" she asked, finally looking up at Hotch and the rest of the team.

"I don't know, that's what we need to find out. What are his relations to Prentiss?" Hotch asked.

"Ummm. Nothing, well at least nothing that led a paper trail." Garcia answered.

Hotch nodded slowly. "Alright, Morgan I want you and Reid to go and talk to Melissa and Robert and the rest of us will stay here and try and look for Gerald's location.

Spencer looked at Hotch, confusion written all over his face.

"Why are you letting me help? Aren't I to emotionally connected to this case?" Spencer asked.

Hotch nodded again. "You are, but as long as you stay professional talking to his parents, I don't see why you can't help."

Spencer gave him a small smile.


Morgan knocked on the Wright's door, waiting for them to answer, he look across at Reid and noticed how nervous he looked.

"Kid were gonna find her." Morgan assured him.

"Yeah? Dead or alive?" he snapped. He instantly regretted it, he knew Morgan was only trying to help him.

"Most people who are abducted and aren't found in 24 hours usually end up dead." Spencer continued.

"What? You don't have an exact number?" Morgan joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I do I just... can't concentrate knowing Emily's in danger, I-"

The opening of the front door cut him off. Spencer's eyes immediately snapped up from where they were staring at his shoes, he came face to face with a woman who looked to be in her mid-sixties.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

Seeing as Spencer struggled to talk, Morgan stepped in.

"Hi I'm SSA Derek Morgan with the FBI." He paused, taking out his badge to show the older woman. "This is my colleague Dr Spencer Reid." He pointed to his left side where Spencer was standing. "Are you Mrs Wright?" he asked.

"Yes I am. What can I do for you?"

Spencer finally found his voice.

"We'd like to ask you and your husband a few questions about your son, Gerald."

The older woman froze. Seconds later, her eyes closed and shoulders sagged, she had expected the FBI to be knocking on her door to find her son one day, and she wasn't surprised at all, which surprised the two agents.

"Come in."


Sorry for not updating in ages :/ I'll be updating Father Prentiss soon :)

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