It All Started With a Fling

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Harry never intended to start a family. In fact, he was hoping he wouldn't. He didn't want to have a child that would grow up being the son or daughter of 'The Chosen One'. He didn't want them to always be asked questions, or potentially be bullied for having a famous father. If he wanted a child, he would've wanted it to have a normal, happy life.

So when he ran into Draco Malfoy at The Leaky Cauldron, he thought it would be a normal evening, a few drinks, a chat, and then a handshake as they went their separate ways with no intention of seeing each other again. Well, they didn't see each other again for months, that was one thing. But the night couldn't have gone more differently than Harry expected it too. They had had one too many drinks, and one thing led to another. Needless to say they had both had admitted feelings for the other in their drunken state. However, both thought the other was purely letting the alcohol speak for them, so forgot the whole night ever happened. Well, forgot it happened for the next few weeks.

In the weeks that followed, Harry began to experience small stomach cramps and various mood swings. He made an appointment with a healer to see what the problem was. The news he got, however, was far from what he expected.


Draco Malfoy had been hurting a lot since the night he slept with Harry. He had finally told Harry how he felt, but was sure that when Harry said he felt the same way, it was purely because he was drunk. He had tried to move on, he had been on a few dates here and there, and although the guys were all interesting, they just weren't Harry.

It had been about a month and Draco was sat in his kitchen, reading the Daily Prophet with a glass of pumpkin juice. He was reading an article about how Honeydukes were introducing a new line of magical popping candy, when he heard a tap on the window. He looked up startled, and found it was an owl that he didn't recognise. He stood up and took the letter from its beak and allowed it to fly around his kitchen while he read the letter.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that night. Yes, I have feelings for you, but also, you left something behind. Meet me in The Three Broomsticks this evening at 5.

Draco read and re-read the letter over and over again. He was pretty sure he had everything he had when he first arrived at the Leaky Cauldron when he left Harry's flat. Unless it was something he didn't already have with him...


Harry waited anxiously in a booth in The Three Broomsticks facing the door. He kept his head hung low and only concentrated on his butterbeer until he heard someone take a seat and sit down opposite him. Harry looked up but tried not to look him in the eyes.

"Draco, hi." He whispered sheepishly.

"Hi Harry," Draco said awkwardly. There was about a minute of silence between the pair before Draco cleared his throat. "So, um, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Harry looked up. "Huh?"

"The letter, you said I left something behind? I'm assuming you have it with you?"

"Oh, um, yes." Harry took out a silver watch from his pocket and placed it on the table. "Here you go." He whispered.

"Harry, this isn't mine. I didn't leave anything, did I? You just wanted to speak to me again! What, you think you can have sex with me, and then leave the next morning without a word and expect me to want to talk to you? I'm leaving. Draco stood up and began to walk away. Harry stood up quickly and grabbed Draco's hand, causing him to turn around.

"I can't give you it yet Draco." Harry said softly.

"What are you talking about?" Draco spat.

Harry led Draco to a secluded corner of the pub. When he was sure nobody was looking, he took Draco's hand and placed it gently on his stomach.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked nervously.

"Draco, I'm carrying your child."

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