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Trigger warning: attempted rape, slight abuse

"I can't do this anymore, Blaise! You've cheated on me so many times with so many different people and forced me to forgive you. I did because I loved you so much. But I draw the line at my best friend!" Draco screamed, tears pouring down his face.

Draco and his boyfriend Blaise had been together just over a year. On the night of their anniversary, Draco sat and waited for Blaise by the black lake where they were supposed to have a romantic walk. At 2am Blaise still hadn't shown up so Draco walked back to the common room, where he found Blaise. "Draco, I'm sorry I missed our date. I've been feeling nauseous all day, Madame Pomfrey has said it's just a stomach bug." He'd said. Draco had believed him until the next day after potions, when his best friend Pansy had walked up to him.

"Draco, I'm sorry. I know Blaise missed your date, but it wasn't because he was ill."

"I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means." Draco whispered.

Pansy started crying. "I'm sorry Draco-"

Draco had run off to the dorm to find Blaise, which led them to the current situation.

"Well what do you expect?!" Blaise yelled. "We never have sex anymore, Draco! Every time I try to initiate it you bat me away and it's shit!"

"That's not any excuse to go off and sleep with all of my mates! Not every relationship is based off of how much sex there is!"

"Oh shut up." Blaise felt a sharp pain in the side of his face and it took a few seconds for him to come to the realisation that Draco had slapped him. Draco froze and looked up at Blaise, who was looking at him with eyes full of hatred and anger. Draco was lost for words. "B-Blaise, I-I, I'm so sorry..." he looked down at his hands as if they had a mind of their own. Blaise marched up to Draco and harshly grabbed his wrists. He yanked him out of the Slytherin common room and down the corridor. Draco was trying to struggle free. "Blaise, please..." he begged, tears running down his face.

They arrived at the room of requirement. When the door appeared, Blaise shoved Draco inside forcefully and followed him, slamming the door harshly. He pushed Draco against the wall and yanked his trousers down. 

"Blaise, please, no...I'm sorry, you know how much it hurts, Blaise PLEASE..." Draco sobbed.

"You should have thought about how much it hurts when you slapped me, shouldn't you?" Blaise whispered menacingly in his ear. Draco shuddered and began to try and fight against Blaise.

"The more you struggle, the longer it will last..."

Draco sobbed loudly, earning a slap from Blaise. Blaise was beginning to take his own jeans off when he heard a voice. It was Potter.

"What the fuck are you doing, Zabini?" 

"I don't think what me and my boyfriend choose to do seems to be your problem, does it Potter?"

"I think it does, as the choice doesn't seem to be one that you have both made." Harry took his wand out quickly and pointed it at Blaise. "Petrificus Totalus!" he yelled, causing the Slytherin to turn rigid and fall to the floor. He then turned to Draco, who had put his trousers back on and and fell to the floor sobbing. "Th-thank you, H-Harry..." He sobbed, as the raven haired boy pulled him into a protective hug.

"It's okay..." Harry whispered. "I'll protect you. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you again, I promise..."


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