The Valentines Ball

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Harry straightened up in the mirror in his dormitory, looking at his white suit and red dickie bow, while inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth to try and calm his nerves. Tonight was the night. He was going to the Valentines Day ball with Draco, they'd finally agreed to come out to everyone. This was a huge step for them, they'd been dating in secret for 3 months. The only people that knew besides themselves were Ron, Hermione, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. Harry took one final deep breath, and walked downstairs into the common room. He climbed out of the portrait hole, with every step he took his pulse became quicker. As he waited outside the great hall, he heard a cough. He turned around and his heart rate sped up even more than it already had (if that was physically possible.) Draco stood behind him, looking flawless in an all black suit with a red tie. 

"Hey," breathed Harry, "You look amazing,"

"Not as good as you," said Draco seductively. He held out his arm. "You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," said Harry, taking his arm. They both took a deep breath and stepped through the doors into the great hall. Nobody noticed at first, they were all to busy dancing or chatting. Then Parvati Patil looked up and gasped, causing everyone to turn their heads. Draco and Harry smiled at one another, and sat down in a secluded spot in a corner. Harry could feel a hundred pairs of eyes following him as he put his arm around Draco's waist. Slowly, the volume began to rise, and everyone's attention was back on their partner. 

"How do you feel now?" Draco asked Harry. He knew how nervous he'd been about coming out this way.

"Honestly?" Harry said. Draco nodded, a glimmer of worry in his eyes. "A million times better than I did five minutes ago in my dorm." Draco smiled and pecked Harry on the lips. He stood up and offered Harry his hand. Harry took it and led Draco to the dance floor. They slow danced for hours, forgetting about everyone watching. They were all that mattered to each other.

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