The Apology

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Harry, Ron and Hermione sat themselves down in an empty compartment on the Hogwarts Express at the end of their fifth year. Harry gazed out of the window at the scenery, as the train slowly began to pick up speed. The shrill cackle of Bellatrix Lestrange rang in his ears, "I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me?" Yes, thought Harry, I AM coming to get you. 

His thoughts were interrupted as the compartment door slid open and he turned round. In the door way stood Draco-Effing-Malfoy. Great.

"Malfoy," Ron sneered, "Where's Crabbe and Goyle? Off stuffing their faces somewhere I presume?"

"You can talk Weasley," spat Malfoy, "I have no business talking to you, I came to talk to Potter." His voice softened as he said the final word; he sounded almost vulnerable. "Privately," he added quickly. Ron and Hermione looked at each other hesitantly and then at Harry. As they stood up, Ron whispered in Harry's ear, "Remember, mate, you can always just stun him and leave him here.' Harry chuckled and Hermione glared at them both. They left the compartment, leaving Harry alone with Malfoy. 

"Go on then, Malfoy, let's get this over with. Break my nose then we can both get on with our day." Harry muttered.

"No, Harry, I didn't come to pick a fight. I actually came to apologise." Malfoy began

Confused at the use of his first name, Harry said, "Apologise? What for?"

"Well, first of all, I've been an arse to you for the past five years. But most importantly, the way my father treated you the other night at the ministry. Nobody deserves that, Harry, and as much as I hate you, I felt so angry at father when he sent me the owl that said what he'd done." Draco said, "He practically tortured you,"

"It's fine," said Harry, "I've gone through a lot worse than that,"

"The truth is, Harry, you," Draco mumbled. Harry stared at him in shock. It was  no mystery at Hogwarts that Draco was gay, but, gay for Harry Potter? 

"Sorry?" Harry managed to stammer.

"I know it's out of the blue, but I can't hold back my feelings any longer. I've been in love with you since I first laid eyes on you." Draco said.

"Wow," said Harry. He leaned in towards Draco and placed his lips to his forehead. "I love you too," He whispered. He crashed their lips together, electricity swarming through both of their bodies. Draco froze , but then kissed back, rubbing his tongue on Harry's bottom lip. Harry opened his mouth, and their tongues swirled with each other. Harry gave finally gave in, and allowed Draco's tongue to explore his mouth. They both pulled away, gasping for air. 

"Tell me, Draco Malfoy, will you be my boyfriend?" Harry asked.

"Harry Potter, I would love to be your boyfriend." Draco said.

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