Happy New Year (Part 2)

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Draco's P.O.V

Harry took my hand and led me upstairs to the eighth year common room. It was empty as everyone had gone down to the celebration. We ran upstairs to the boys dormitory, out hands still intertwined. He slammed the door and locked it behind him, before pinning me against the wall and crashing our lips together. He cupped my face in his hands as I snaked my arms around his waist. I was desperate for more. I swiped my tongue on his lip, asking for entrance, he obliged, and allowed my tongue to explore every inch of his mouth. We pulled away from the kiss, both gasping for air. We were panting so hard we could barely talk.

'D-Drake,' Harry gasped, 'M-More,'

I understood what he meant. I picked him up, and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I carried him over to the bed, and threw him down, and crawled on top of him. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my face down on top of his. Our teeth clanked together but neither of us cared. We pulled each others clothes off swiftly, and soon we were down to our boxers. We tore them off and began making out. Electricity swarmed through both of our bodies.

'Accio lube!' I panted, and it flew into my hand. I lubed up my fingers and Harry nodded - I think he was to breathless to say anything. I put one finger in and he moaned in pain, but he continued to nod. I entered another finger, scissoring them apart. I added the final finger and Harry continued to moan.

'D-Draco,' he whispered as I removed my fingers. 'I'm ready,'

I nodded and lined my dick up with his entrance. I thrust inside of him and he moaned in pain, grabbing the sheets. I began thrusting in and out picking up speed. I was pumping his cock in one hand and keeping control of mine in the other.

'Draco!' He screamed. I'd found his prostate, I thrust in again, making him pant and moan. I pulled out of him and lay on the bed next to him. He put his head on my shoulder, and I placed my head on his. We both put our arms around the others waist.

'I love you so much Harry, will you be my boyfriend?' I asked.

'After what we've just done, Drake, how could I say no? That and you're way to irresistable. YES!' he said.

'I love you, Harry,'

'Not as much as I love you, my Slytherin Prince.'

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