Daughter's Quidditch

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***Draco and Harry are married in this fanfic and have twin girls, just thought you should know*

"Come on, Cissy!!" shouted Draco.

"Come on, Lil!" yelled Harry.

Their twin girls were playing in the finals of the Hogwarts Quidditch tournament. Narcissa, who had Draco's hair and Harry's eyes, was the Slytherin seeker. Lily, who had Harry's hair and Draco's eyes, was the Gryffindor seeker. Draco was in the Slytherin stand and Harry in the Gryffindor stand. This seemed right, of course, as they both belonged in these houses.
Both teams were on 180 points, and the girls could both see the snitch. They chased after it, Narcissa slightly ahead of Lily. Her fist slowly closed around it and the stands erupted with applause. Harry had to try not to cheer. He was proud of his daughter, but he'd get funny looks for cheering for Slytherin.


Once Harry and Draco were back home, they sat in front of the fire cuddling each other. Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder.
"Lily didnt look disappointed at all at the result, did she babe?" Said Harry.
"No she didnt. But the girls love each other, so they both were happy with the result." Replied Draco.
Harry chuckled. "Remember our matches?"
"How could I not? We were both smug little gits" laughed Draco.
They spent the rest of the evening reminiscing, entangled in each others arms, lost in their perfect little world.

A/N: hey guys, I'm so sorry I havent updated in a while, but I've really been lacking inspiration. Please leave suggestions, it would mean the world to me! xxx

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