Sleep Over

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Hoseok somehow managed to supply beers for the "sleepover" while Tae brought all his favorite romcoms. Yoongi just hid in the corner of his bed on his laptop trying to block out all the noise from the other three. Jungkook seemed to have bonded really quickly with Hoseok and even closer to Taehyung. He was going to have to keep an eye on those two. He peered over his laptop to see Jungkook holding a beer in his hand.

"Yah! He's still in highschool." He got up and took the beer out of Jungkook's hand.

He frowned and looked at the older. "Hyung, why?" He pouted bit.

Hoseok attempted in defending Jungkook. "Don't act like you didn't drink in high school."

Yoongi couldn't deny the fact that he did but still. "No. His mom would kill me if she found out."

He wouldn't cave and threatened to take away all the drinks if they kept complaining, he hated having to be the bad hyung but responsibility came first. He cringed at the thought, Min Yoongi being responsible. After a while he noticed Tae letting Jungkook drink from his, Yoongi gave up. "He just listened to them talk nonsense."

"So Jungkook, do you plan on going here for college?" Hoseok asked.

Jungkook nodded, he liked singing and this was a performing arts school.

"What would you study?"

"Probably so a double major in music and dance. I like both alot." He smiled.

Tae suddenly asked. "So do you have a girlfriend?"

Everyone looked at Jungkook, the question was so abrupt. Jungkook blushed a little like a cute little kid. "No, I don't really like..." He paused and tried to rephrase. "I'm not into..."

"He's gay." Yoongi said for him, Jungkook sighed of relief. It's always awkward coming out the closet for him.

Tae smiled and pat him on the back. "Welcome to the club kid."

* * *

It was eleven pm and Jungkook was wasted. Tae kept on messing with the kid while Hoseok went out for snacks. Yoongi was the only sober one... Up until like ten, then everyone got him into the party mood and he downed a few beers. Yoongi was a very lazy drunk, but demanding at the same time. He sent Hoseok out to the store to go buy the snack he wanted.

Tae began to ruffle the very cute and fluffy Jungkook's hair. "Kookie~" He would hum. Jungkook would just let out a small giggle every time Tae did so. The two were being all flirty and it made Yoongi wanted to puke but instead he just turned around in his bed.

"Kookie~" He brought his face closer to Jungkook and watched him turn red. "Cute."

"Yah, I'm not cute." He said shaking his head and moving Taehyungs hand away from him.

Tae frowned and took Jungkook's fingers, entangling them with his own. He leaned toward him and planted a soft kiss on Jungkook lips. When he pulled away he saw Jungkooks face turn an even brighter shade of red. "You are cute."

Yoongi turned around and threw a pillow at Tae who jumped up in surprise from the interruption.

"Yah! What was that for?" Tae said rubbing the back of his head.

"He's only in high school! Stop flirting with him so much." He didn't care if they were flirting, but Tae should really understand that he's the bigger more experienced person for once. He only just met Jungkook that day.

* * *

One am, Hoseok came back with snacks and Yoongi got up to go get them. He hated knowing how he was going to feel in the morning, hungover. Why was this sleepover even happening? Couldn't Jungkook just have made this a short visit.

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