I'm thinking of deleting this

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first off -hello, holy shit.

if you still have this story in your library or you're reading it right now,, hallelujah.

obviously from the title, I'm considering getting rid of this story.

so a quick back-track:: I wrote this in 6th grade, with little to no knowledge of what I was doing. and 2 years later, I've realised that autism is really an unacceptable title or example for this story. I feel like so many people hate me for portraying it so poorly and unrealistically. I feel really.. un-proud of this story. I enjoy that it gets reads and still continues to and that people enjoy it -but I don't enjoy it.

I want to keep it up because people are reading, they're enjoying, the reads and comments make me overwhelmingly happy.

however I feel very ashamed for even having written this. it's such a disappointment to me and truly a drag that it's still here and that it's in my works. autism is just a much more heartwrenching and complex type of illness and at the time I had no experience, no idea, I had no place to try and write something to complete such a meaning.

I enjoy the sequel so much more, I might change things up in it and make it an original type of story based from an un-finished oneshot. so for now I'll definitely be unpublishing the sequel for a little and probably be working back on it and have it updated in a few months to an original and not a series.

so I'll probably delete this in a week or two since there are people reading it right now, but your opinion is well appreciated.


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