Ch. 2

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After school. I couldn't stop looking at the clock or feeling my feet move faster when walking through the halls. Gerard made small talk with me throughout the day. But it sucked that I didn't have my very last class with him. I know I don't talk much, but I find it interesting listening to other people talk. Gerard's voice was slick and smooth. You could say he was easy-going and relaxed. Atleast he always seemed that way. I don't think I'd ever want to see the side of Gerard that was maybe rude and ignorant; Hopefully there wasn't one.

But when the bell and rang and I walked to my locker. I sighed as I grabbed my backpack out of my locker. I looked over to see Gerard walking this way.


"Frank!" He shouted from halfway down the hall. "Wanna walk to the park? I was kinda hoping I'd find you."

His hazel eyes pierced through mine, I almost felt my knees give out.

I nodded (without thinking) for some dumb fucking reason.

"Nice," Gerard said sweetly and smiled. I forced a smile at him and we started walking down the hall so he could get his things. Once he grabbed his backpack and slung it smoothly over one shoulder we started walking to the front doors.

As we walked out in the slight heat, I felt the air around us getting tense. I really hoped Gerard would say something. He was good at that. At starting small talk, or even just the simplest things.

"Frank?" He asked.

"Mhm?" I hummed immediately.

"I'm going the right way, aren't I?"

I looked around, and at the street signs and corners. I nodded and realised that I was taking the lead in walking us to the park. Thank god it was getting closer to the Fall, I hate hot weather; I'd hate walking to the park in really hot weather. We went there for some science trip and it was hot as hell. Of course I just had to be wearing a damn cardigan. But I'm pretty sure that's the only thing I own -cardigans and skinny jeans. It's what I'm wearing right now. Along with my torn up all-black converse. But Gerard, I could see, usually wears a band shirt and a black jacket with skinny jeans. Which might not be attractive to some people, but on Gerard it looked really good. I'm surprised how simple (somewhat torn up) band t-shirts can make someone look so good. And relaxed. And calm. And chill. Not someone with autism.

I've wanted a few band shirts but I never got the nerve to ask up my mom. I thought it'd be rude or too much for just a kid that doesn't really get any attention.

"Woah, Frankie," I heard, feeling Gerard's big hand land on one of my shoulders. I tensed a little, but relaxed at his gentle touch. I stopped and realised we were at the park. Finally.

I felt Gerard's hand slide off my shoulder. Almost feeling the need of him wanting to keep it there. Almost.

I knew I was gay but... hell, I didn't know anything about Gerard.

I watched as Gerard looked around at all the equipment like a small child would. I smiled at him and saw him jog to the swings. I held back a chuckle as I slowly made my way over.

That's what I'm supposed to do, right? Follow him? Friends follow eachother. But we're not really friends. Atleast I don't think so. My smile drooped at the sudden thought.

I dropped my bag on the floor and sat on the swing that was beside him.

He smiled at the clouds, at the sky, at the free birds. He seemed to take it in a lot. Take in every detail of everything there. Every blade of grass. Was he hurt? I hope not. I might not know him all that well, but from what I know he's a sweet person. Someone that doesn't deserve to be hurt. But he acted as if this was the first time in a while he had been outside. Like when a baby first opens their eyes. They take in everything they can- which is exactly what Gerard was doing. What was he thinking about?

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