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My eyes shot open as I heard a door slam. Gerard was still right next to me -sleeping.

I got up and rushed down the stairs only to see my parents. It's the end of the week, isn't it? Ugh, they can't know Gerard is here, they'd kill me.

"Frankie," my mom squealed as she hugged me. "I missed you." How could she miss me? When the last moments I saw her was full of yelling and rage and she still manages to love me. I still don't understand how some parents, or even people are able to do that.

I shrugged it off and lightly smiled.

I honestly didn't miss my parents too much. They never truly knew... anything. Never truly understood or cared.

"Hey, Mom, I know you want to talk but can I go get changed?" I asked quickly.

She nodded and smiled before I headed up the stairs, and tried not to seem suspicious about anything.

As soon as I was upstairs I grabbed a pillow and hit Gerard with it. His bare back showing, but his Star Wars pants still on.

"Gerard," I started, not quite yelling, and feeling rushed.

"Go the fuck away," He murmured as he cuddled up under the blankets more and burried his face into the pillow.


"Mom, I'm not babysitting those bitches again-"

"I'm not your mom," I groaned in slight frustration, hitting him with the pillow again, making him move and his hair drape down in his face.

His head lifted up a bit more but he was still stuck in sleep, not undestanding anything clearly.


"I'm your boyfriend," I groaned as I dragged him off the bed. Anything to quickly get him out the window and make sure I don't get caught and thought sleeping with someone.

"Fuck, Frank!" Gerard groaned as he hit the floor with a thud. "What the hell do you-!"

I covered my hand over his mouth and straddled his lap as he had his back rested against my bed. His frantic hazel eyes looking at me in confusion and slight anger. My heart was beating faster in my chest, I could predict that my parents would be rushing upstairs to see what the noise was.

"Gerard, my parents are home..." I said calmy.

I looked into his hazel eyes and they softened. I dropped my hand.

"Do they wanna talk right now?" He asked. I didn't feel like having a full on conversation with Gerard right now, my parents were downstairs waiting. They could come up here any moment.

"I'm pretty sure they do. That's why you have to leave right now; for now. They'll get so pissed at me, Gerard, you have no idea," I said, feeling tears start to flow and every word get softer and softer. My heart being crushed at the loss of Gerard leaving and both my parents finding out I even have a boyfriend -any less- that I'm not straight. The thought of my Dad coming up here and shoving Gerard out the front door, and me being grounded for months. I wish Gerard would just leave at the moment. God, he gives me so much heart-ache, and I love him for it.

"I will, I will. I'm sorry for being so loud, Frankie," He mumbled as he got on his jacket, forgetting about his shirt, and kissing my forehead softly. "Don't cry, Frank,"

I nodded and replied, "don't worry about it."

He sighed and lightly grabbed my hips. My chest was beating faster, feeling the urge to push Gerard out the window get stronger.

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