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SINCE THE MOMENT  Florence Morrell could whisper the word "stars", an otherworldly sense beckoned her to their cosmic embrace

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SINCE THE MOMENT Florence Morrell could whisper the word "stars", an otherworldly sense beckoned her to their cosmic embrace.Her lively, ocean eyes tracked the celestial dance , as if the heavens themselves painted a breathtaking masterpiece just for her. Brown locks mirrored the night sky, and the nocturnal hours became her sanctuary. A true night owl, she'd linger until the awakening chirps of birds snapped her back to reality, urging her to poke her nose out of whatever book she was reading.

Her unwavering passion for stargazing manifested in the sparkle of her eyes at the twinkle of a shooting star.Yet, friends groaned in playful annoyance when she couldn't resist sharing the intricate tales woven into constellations.This deep-seated love for the cosmos, however, remained an unshared secret. The imposing number on her wrist was a constant companion, a mysterious reminder that finding a kindred spirit might be an adventure yet to unfold.

Soulmates, a cosmic concept as ancient as the Time vortex itself, wove an everlasting connection between two souls.The exact. purpose or date of this celestial union remained shrouded in wibbbly-wobbly, timey-wimey mystery.Growing up, Florence was immersed in tales of love and soulmates , stories of instantaneous connections that made her believe in the magic of the universe. Yet, a nagging suspicion persisted that a certain madman of fate had a particularly tricky navigation system set against her.

Many entered the world with wrists as blank as the void, awaiting the imprint of their soulmate's age, while others were fortunate to bear preordained numbers. In Florence's case, her assigned number appeared both daunting and impossible, inviting pity-laden glances that faltered her hope.

As a hopeless romantic, Florence yearned for nothing more than the embrace of her soulmate. Yet, as the sands of time trickled away, the once-curious light within her dimmed into a profound despair. Perhaps, she mused, navigating life solo was the best option.

For her soulmate , it seemed , was lost to the ages.

or was he?

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