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Florence was pressed up against the nearest rock as she wrapped the shock blanket tightly around her arms , trying to conceal herself from the strong breeze that came from the ocean . Next to her sat Amy and Estelle who were watching the Doctor speak to one of the Clerics and a comfortable silence was shared between the trio , marking the end of the nightmare they experienced in the forest .

"Ah i feel " Florence paused slightly as the pair looked up towards her and noticed her staring blankly at them . " Freshly bruised " She finished with a smile making the others nearby laugh .

" It's not that bad " Amy resorted towards her giving a goofy smile .

"You didn't have to climb out with your eyes shut " Florence exclaimed back .

" Neither did you , i kept saying the angels fell into the time field . The angel in your memory never existed " The Doctor told her as he turned around now facing the trio .

" I just wanted to be sure , it felt so real " Florence cringed as she rubbed at her purple bruises that now littered her legs .

" I know but it can't hurt you anymore " The Doctor softly replied , placing his hand on top of hers to which she gave a small smile at .

" What about the crack ? is it gone now ? " Amy asked.

" Yes , for now but the explosion that caused it is still happening . Somewhere out there , somewhere in time " He responded as Florence went over to say goodbye to River .

"You ,me , handcuffs - must it always end this way ?" River joked as the Doctor approached her side , earning a small smile from the man .

" So what ? Is this goodbye ?" Florence asked curiously to the woman , to say the least she didn't want it to be goodbye she hoped their paths would cross again .

River gave a curt laugh before responding , smiling down at the woman who she grew so fond of.

" Oh sweetie , this is just the beginning "

Satisfied with her answer , Florence left the pair and made her way back to Estelle who was laughing at something Amy was saying .

" And what about you Estelle , will i be seeing you again ? " She asked snapping Estelle out of her thoughts .

" Ha more than you wish " Estelle replied which made Florence slightly roll her eyes .

" I'm serious , is there anything you can tell me ? " Florence asked eagerly already knowing the answer .

Estelle looked up at her , her dark brown locks danced around in the wind as she gave a small hidden smile at the woman .

" I'll always be here even if it doesn't feel like it at times , but all will be revealed with time " Estelle grinned at the puzzled look on Florence's face .

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