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••••To say the atmosphere in the console room wasn't awkward enough ,  it started to go downhill when the doctor brought in a rather angry Rory

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To say the atmosphere in the console room wasn't awkward enough , it started to go downhill when the doctor brought in a rather angry Rory . Florence didn't know what happened outside the Tardis with the two of them alone and quite frankly she didn't want to know .

Her foot shook slightly against the comfort of the pilot chair she had grown so invested in and she couldn't help but bite her nails at the sight of the pair before her . It was obvious there was unnecessary tension and Florence could only think of how its come to this .

"Oh the life out there it dazzles ! I mean it blinds you to the things that are important , I've seen it devour relationships and plans ". The Doctor called up from bellow the glass where he was working on something .

"It's meant to do that " He added when he noticed Rory give a nervous glance at the small explosion the Doctor created .

"Because for one person to have seen all that , to taste the glory and then go back to it - It will tear you apart . So I'm sending you somewhere together " The Doctor finished looking back up excitedly towards the pair who looked slightly taken aback .

"Woah , woah - like a date ?" Amy asked wearily , and at that moment Florence felt a small pang of hurt for Rory she knew how their story some what ended in the asylum but she never knew the start , and boy was it rough .

" yes like a date , but there is one condition " The Doctor answered as he climbed back up the stairs now facing Florence with a hopeful gleam in his eyes .

" Florence has to pick where " He added waiting for an answer patiently as she shrunk under his gaze and pointed a finger at her self in clarification .

" Who me ?" She assured and the Doctor rolled his eyes at her comment .

"No Gandalf -"  He didn't have the chance to even finish his sentence when Florence unseeingly blurted out her request without hesitation .

"Venice " She said with the biggest smile on her face , unable to even contain her excitement as she jumped up from the pilot seat and leaned both her hands against the console  .

"Venice it is " The Doctor laughed as he pulled the leaver .


Ever since Florence was a little girl she knew she had it in her roots to travel and explore the unimaginable . Of course she started saving up , a little pot of dreams her dad called it when he gifted it her . She remembered the big pink pot she filled day by day wishing away the stars .

That's until she had to break it open to pay for some of her tuition fees , and it all slowly began to fade . The pot of dreams stashed away in her drawer never to see the light of day .

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