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FLORENCE COULD FEEL her head shattering and splinting off into a thousand pieces as she attempted to nurse her head, hissing at the pain. Goosebumps pricked at her skin as she shivered in response and  decided to pick up the nearest thing to her which turned out to be a tweed jacket and draped it around her shoulders

She gave a slight wince as she tried steadying herself on the white sterile floor she had managed to pass out on a few minutes before. She noticed Rory cautiously trying to approach her, unsure how Florence would react. Slowly he extended his arm, aiding her in standing. Grateful she muttered a low "Thank you" and slipped on the jacket, not caring how ridiculous she must look.

"You're going to fire me at a planet - that's your plan ?' The Doctor's voice threw Florence back to reality, his voice radiating confusion. She noticed as the Doctor gave a small sigh of relief when he spotted Florence in the corner of his eye. The look was subtle and delicate, gone within the naked eye but Florence could swear she had seen it.

The Doctor swiftly walked over to her carrying an unknown device in his hand that looked like a bracelet. Gently he grabbed her arm pulled the sleeve to his own tweed jacket up and clasped a bulky bracelet onto her wrist, which activated instantly with a poignant blue light. Florence didn't know why she felt at ease around this strange bowtie-wearing man, but nevertheless, she obeyed. Although he gave a slight pause when looking at her wrist, Florence watched in disbelief how the number on her wrist skyrocketed since the last time she looked in dismissal at the supermarket.


Her disbelief deepened even more when instead of giving Florence a pitiful look like all the other people in her life, he simply gave her an uncertain smile. A smile that wasn't bad but nor was it good.

"Nano cloud technology"

"What" Florence quipped.

"They stop you from being bait" The Doctor replied quickly as he walked over to Amy and Rory giving them the same bracelet.


As if on queue the ground beneath them started shaking as a bright light which looked like a portal appeared in the middle of it.Signifying that the group time was over and they were going to get "fired at a planet".

"I mean in fairness that is slightly your M, O" Rory stated as the group stood in front of the portal bracing themselves for whatever the Doctor had in store for them.

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