Danny (3)

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I woke up on the couch. Ryan was no where to be seen. My eyes caught sight of a note on the table. I lifted it and read it.

-I had some pack business to deal with, I'll be home later baby-


I sighed and dropped the note. Then made my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Ryan's pov:

I felt bad for leaving Aria alone this morning, but Ash, my Beta needed me.

I wasn't sure why.

I couldn't believe Aria was my mate when I met her. She was absolutely beautiful.

And her personality was amazing. I couldn't ask for anyone better,

I knew it was soon but I truly love her. With all my heart.

I walked into Ash's house without knocking, he was my best friend there was no need to knock.

"What did you need Ash" I asked him.

He looked up at me from the kitchen table.

You would think he would live in the pack house, but he liked his privacy.

He had a trauma happen in his life, he's never been the same since.

"I found my mate" he whispered.

"Dude, that's great!" I said slapping him on the back and taking as eat beside him.

By his expression I could tell it was far from great.

"What's the matter" I asked.

"She's human" he croaked out.

My eyes widened. I had only once before heard of a werewolf having a human mate, she rejected the guy. Claiming he was crazy. When he proved it, she ran screaming.

They ended up working it out a year later. That was two years ago, there living happily now.

I knew it would destroy Ash to be rejected though.

"I don't know what to do" he muttered.

"Ask her out" I told him. "Take it slow, and when she's close tell her"

"What if she hates me" he asked, looking at me with a broken expression.

"Who could hate you" I smiled punching his arm lightly. He gave a weak smile.

"I guess I'll ask her out then" he said, getting happier by the second.

"When are you going to do it?" I asked him.

"Right now" he replied getting up and walking out the door.

"Well bye then" I muttered as I heard the front door close.

I got up and walked outside. I was about to go back to Aria when my third in command mind linked me.

~Ryan, rouge. South border. He's alone~. Alex said through the link.

~On my way~ I told him.

I shifted and ran to the spot shifting back and putting on shorts before walking not the clerking with Alex my third in command and one of my warrior wolves Seth.

They were both holding the rouge down.

"Shift" I commanded the rogue. They did so and I threw some shorts at him.

He pulled them on.

"What business do you have on my land" I asked once he stood up.

"Just passing by" he answered. I could tell he was lying.

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