Chapter 13

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Josh's POV

Lauren is entranced into the movie the whole time. She never takes her eyes off the screen. The first time I'm up there she nudges me with her elbow and smiles. I watch her most of the time. Watching her expression. She laughs at the funny parts. Whispering to Jen when it gets to the train scene and Peeta asks her her favorite color. Lauren laughs at the part and I laugh with her, just because she makes me happy. She also cries at sad parts. When mags volunteers for Annie, the jabberjay scene, when Haymitch tells her about Peeta, Lauren really cries then and I wrap my arm around her and kiss her temple. She smiles at me and puts her hand on my leg.

There's an after party after the premiere. I ask Lauren if she wants to go and she agrees rather enthusiastically when Jennifer says she's going. I smile. I'm glad they get a long. We ride in a limo with Jennifer and Nick. When we get to the after party Lauren sees Liam for the first time. She's like lost for words at first then she starts gushing over him. And instead of getting jealous like I should have I find it kinda funny. And I find it hysterical when she tells him she likes his accent. She glares at me for laughing at her.

"She's something else." Liam says to me when she walks away. I see her dancing with Jennifer. I smile. She's so cute.

"She sure is." I agree.

"She's so sweet though." Jena says.

"She's good for you bro" Liam tells me. I nod and walk over to her.

I start dancing like an idiot and she laughs. We start dancing together.

"You wanna get out of here?" I whisper. She smiles and nods and we sneak away. There's a fountain outside in the courtyard. We walk there together and when we get there I push her against me and start kissing her. Her lips. Her jawline, her neck, her collarbone. I make my way back to her lips. Then I pull back and keep our foreheads pushed together. "I love you."

"That scares me." She says.

I pull back. "Why?"

"What if I'm not worth your love?" She says.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." I say. She frowns and walks away. I grab her hand. "I'm sorry baby. I just don't know why you would think that."

"Because. I see all these gorgeous girl falling all over themselves for you. Perfect girls that would be so much better for you. I'm a dead end Josh. I'm not going anywhere. I have nothing. Nothing to give you. You are to perfect for someone like me." She says. Tears streaming down her face.

"I don't want perfect!" I say walking back and forth. "Don't you get it? I've tried that! I've tried to be with girls that think they're perfect and everyone else thinks there perfect and I'm sick of it! I want someone that is perfect for me! And you are Lauren! Ok? I see you in the morning and I think how do I deserve this? This beautiful girl that looks at me like I make the world spin. I can't imagine not having you to hold in my arms. I can't remember a time when I couldn't kiss you. You're my everything. I love you."

I stop pacing. She looks at me crying. She walks toward me a brushes her hand across my face and realize I'm crying. How does she have this effect on me?

"I love you too."


When we get back to my house I can't help it. I take Lauren by the hand and we walk up to my room. We start kissing and I lay on the bed and she lays on top of me kissing me. I get my fingers tangled in her hair. I start taking all the clips out it and throw them on the floor. She takes my shirt off and I roll over so I'm on top of her. I kiss her more and she rubs her hands across my chest. I sigh and stand up and start pacing.

"It doesn't have to be this hard." She says.

"It doesn't but it does." I say. I walk into the bathroom and she starts to follow me. "Don't follow me." I say. I walk into the bathroom. I start to undress and I'm in my boxers when I feel Laurens arms around my waist.

"I don't listen" she whispers. She starts to take her dress off and I hold my face in my hands. A few minutes later I hear the shower running. "You know you need a shower too!" She yells out. I laugh and just give up and get in the shower with her.


Lauren's POV

I wake up around 2 in the afternoon. Josh is still asleep. We didn't get home until 3 am last night. I think about last night. I smile. We didn't do anything but he did open up to me. Told me why he loves me.

I walk downstairs and om surprised to see Jennifer on the couch.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

She looks up "Well good morning!" She says. I sit on the couch. "Late night?" She asks.

"Not really." I say

She just shrugs. "So have you seen the magazine covers from last night?" She asks.


She hands me a magazine and on the cover it's me and Josh when we were at the fountain. It's when I got mad and tried to walk away from him. "Trouble In Paradise" is what the cover says. I groan.

"Don't worry about it." She's says. "They do that shit all the time."

"Are you hungry?" I ask her.


"Want some pizza?" She agrees enthusiastically. When the pizza guy gets there and opens the door we both say "Where's the pizza?!" In perfect synch. I smile. I've never had a close friend that's a girl like Jennifer. Not even me and Kadie were this close. It's good to have a friend like Jennifer.

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