Chapter 27

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Josh's POV

Lauren sleeps for about an hour and a half. When she wakes up she smiles at me and I kiss her forehead. Then I notice tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"Just a dream." She says.

"Want to tell me?" I ask quietly.

"Yes...there's something I didn't tell you about Sam." She says.

What can it be? I wonder to myself.

"What's that?" I ask

"Well, when he was 17 he had a kid." She says.

Wow. That shocked me. A kid? At 17? I know it happens but wow.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I ask her

"I don't really isn't my thing to tell." She says.

"I get it. So what happened in the dream?"

"Well, it was me and Sam. We we're hanging out at a restaurant we used to hang out at in Georgia. And Karsey, his ex, came and brought Elise. Elise is his daughter. I mean it was a happy dream, but it just makes me think about how much he's going to miss of Elise's life." More tears start down her eyes.

"Are you close with Elise? And Karsey?" I ask her

"Yes, but I didn't tell you before because I didn't know how to bring it up and I didn't say anything afterwords because well I was too upset to."

I hug her to me and rub her back.

"Do you want to see her?" I ask.

She nods.

"Where do they live?"

"They moved to Kentucky with Sam when I started college. But they broke up shortly after, but Karsey stayed because she had a decent job. They live in Lexington." She says.

"We can go see them tomorrow if you want." I tell her.

"Thank you so much Josh. You're too amazing." She says kissing me.

"You're welcome baby, and I'm only amazing because I have you." I say. She looks at me skeptically and I laugh at her.

"So what song would you sing if you sang when we...took a...break?" She asks.

"You really want me to sing again?"


I sing a part of Let her go by Passenger.

"Well you see her when you fall asleep

But never to touch and never to keep

'Cause you loved her too much

And you dived too deep" is what I sing.

She starts to tear up and I hold her closer to me. We set in silence for a few minutes. I like moments like this. Just being able to be with her. Setting her with her curled up next to me. She so beautiful and amazing. I never loved anyone this much.

"I love you so much." I tell her.

"I love you more than my own life." She says.

"That's scary." I say frowning.

"Why?" She says pulling back to look at my face.

"Would it not scare you if I said that? I mean it's not because you love me. Just the last part." I say

"Yeah..I guess that would scare me too."


Lauren's POV

Today is the day I finally see her. After over a year I finally get to see Elise. I remember when I found out that Sam and Karsey were expecting her. Me and Sam were still living with Michelle, the woman that took us in. We were all actually pretty excited. Karsey was the closest thing I ever had to a bestfriend before I met Jen. But we still weren't close. But I still was excited about Elise. She was 3 the last time I saw her and she called me Aunt L because she can't say Lauren.

When I texted Karsey yesterday to ask if me and Josh could come see her and Elise, she said she was really excited and that Elise says she misses me. She 4 now. So grown up. Already 8 months of her life Sam has missed. I don't want to think about that though. I want today to be happy.

We're in Lexington now and we're meeting Karsey and Elise for lunch. When we pull into the restraunt parking I hesitate to get out.

"Are you nervous?" Josh asks me.

"No..well just because I don't want to see her and think of Sam and start crying." I say.

"I'm here for you baby" he says. I smile at him and kiss him. We get out of the car and I see Karsey standing outside. When she sees me she runs over and hugs me. I feel her shoulders shaking and I know she's crying. She pulls back and smiles through her tears.

"I'm sorry, you just remind me of him." She says laughing lightly. "We may have broken up and moved on, but he's still Elise's daddy and I love him."

"I know Karse." I say patting her shoulder. "This is Josh" I say. They shake hands.

"I'm sorry about Sam" he tells her.

"Id say it's OK but sometimes I don't know. Ya know?" She says.

Josh looks at me and says "Yes. I know."

"Where's Elise?" I ask.

"She's inside with Daniel. I wanted to see you first, because I knew I'd be emotional. And if you see her and get emotional don't hold it back. She's used to it. It took a while for me to see her again and not him in her eyes. Just excuse yourself."

I nod in agreement. Daniel is her boyfriend. He helps take care of Elise, but Karsey makes sure that Elise knows who her dad really is.

We walk in and I see her. She's setting in a booster seat in a booth coloring on a kids menu. Her blonde hair pulled back. It's the same color as Sams. She looks up for a minute not noticing us but I see her dark green eyes. The same as Sams. Her face the same shape as his. I step back. My back hitting Josh's chest.

"It's okay baby. I'm here." He whispers.

"It's need a minute." I say to Karsey.

Me and Josh walk outside. I take some deep breaths. He is by my side the whole time.

"She looks just like him." I say before we walk back in.

This time Elise does notice us. Her eyes get big at the sight of me.

"Aunt L!!!" She yells. She scrambles out of her booster seat and runs to me. I pull her into my arms. She wraps her legs around me. "I missed you Aunt L"

"I missed you to honey!" I say.


After lunch we walk out to the parking lot still talking. Elise told me about her preschool class and how she's said it's a weekend and she can't go back for two days.

"Can I stay with you Aunt Elle?" She asks.

"I don't think so honey. I'm staying at Josh's house."

She looks likes she's going to cry.

"I'll come visit you very soon. Okay?" I say to her. She smiles and nods and we go our separate ways after saying goodbye.


"Thank you Josh." I tell him when we're on our way back to his parents house.

"Don't thank me."

"No I need to. You're so helpful and caring and supporting. I don't know what I'd do without you." I say.

He smiles. "I love you more than anything." He says.









(I know it's stupid. I'm just running out of ideas.)

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