Chapter 6

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Josh's POV

I looked at my watch and see that it says 6. I have dinner reservations for 7. I grab the jeans I took off and get Lauren's number out of the pocket. I walk over to the phone and dial it. It rings three times then she answers.

"Hello?" She says

"Hey its Josh." I say back. I hate talking on the phone. Its so awkward.

"Oh! Hey Josh! I'm ready for dinner." She says. I can't stop myself from grinning when she said my name. And I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Alright good! I'll be over in a few minuets." I say.

I ride the elavator down and wait for the valet to bring me my car.

As I wait for Lauren I see this couple making out. The girl seems pretty enough. Shes wearing really short shorts and a strapless shirt and her boyfriend is wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts that are way too big for him. I notice a flyer on a bill board and I go read it. Its nothing important.

"Would you two get a room?!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see that its Lauren. My mouth drops. She's wearing a black dress that goes great with her tan skin and heels and shes looks breathtaking. She's over there talking to the couple that were making out. Then they all start walking toward me. Realizing that my mouth is still open I shut it. Then I start to smile when Lauren gets closer.

"Hey Josh!" She says. "This is my friend, Kadie." She says pointing at the girl. I shake her hand and say "Nice to meet you" Then she introduces me to her friend Sam.

Once we're in the car I ask her how she met Sam. She looks uncomfortable and I know that she dosnt want to tell me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I say.

"Its not that I don't want to, I just...can't." She says hesitantly.

"Now I'm concerned. Why can't you tell me?" I ask.

She laughs nervously. "Don't be concerned. It's just..." she pauses looking for the right words. "It's like a trust thing. If we continue to be friends or whatever we are and I think you should know, then ill tell you."

"Only if you want me to." I say.

We ride in silence the rest of the way. What's so secret about how she met her bestfriend? Maybe its not just that. Maybe its when or what. I decide not to worry about it. And what'd she mean by 'whatever we are'? Does she think we could be something more? I've only known her for few days, but I have to admit, I've never seen or met anyone like her. I mean, I wouldn't mind trying to be with her, but what if it just turns out like all my other relationships? What if it just ends and leaves me heartbroken?

When we get to the restraunt I open Lauren's door for her. She says thank you and we walk into the restraunt. The waitor takes us to our table. He asks us what we want to drink and we both order water. I notice when he comes back that his eyes linger on Lauren a little longer then they should, and it makes me feel kind of...jealous. I hear a country song come on the radio. Its called Rewind by Rascal Flatts. I'm caught by surprise when I hear Lauren singing along. I look up. She's singing along to the chorus while skimming over her menu. I smile. She looks up.

"What?" She asks.

"Well the other day you were listening to Imagine Dragons. I didn't think you would like country music too." I say.

"I listen to a wide variety of music. But imagine dragons is my favorite."

"What do you prefer to sing?"

She thinks about it for a minute. "Its not just one thing. I sing anything meaningful that goes with my mood at the time."

"What would you sing right now?" I ask.

"Ask me later." She says with a smile.


I'm walking Lauren back to her dorm. She carries her shoes and my jacket is around her shoulders. She laughs at something I just said. We're outside her dorm building. I don't know what it is about this girl. The way she laughs, how I can get lost in her big blue eyes, the way she smiles.

I watch her as she fights to get a stubborn piece of her black hair tucked behind her ear.I step closer to her to the point that they're are only inches between us. I very carefully tuck it behind her ear and slide my hand to the back of her neck. She puts her hands on my stomach and I lean in to kiss her. She kisses back. A put my free hand around her waist and pull her closer to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and her fingers tangle in my hair. I break off the kiss and we stand there catching our breaths. Our foreheads are touching.

"What would you sing now?" I ask.

"Today was a fairytale. By Taylor Swift. I know its cliche."

"Will you sing it for me?"

"Come on." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs to her dorm. We walk together with our fingers intertwined. She comes to a stop in front of a door. She unlocks it.

Her dorm is light purple. Theyre are drawings and paintings everywhere. They all have her name in the bottom corner so I know she made them alll.

She sets on her bed and grabs her guitar and starts to play. I sit beside her and she starts to sing. Her voice is so beautiful. Setting here looking at her makes me wonder: is it possible to fall in love with someone in just a few days?

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