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Lizzie held her phone in her hand, debating whether or not to call her fiance after what her friend, Eliza had just told her. Her fiance, Boyd was currently in New York for work and Eliza had seen him with another girl and they'd been acting as more than friends. Eliza told her that the two were 'locking lips' and were 'all over each other'.

She knew that if she called him, her emotions would get the better of her, but she had every right to be upset. He'd just ruined three years of a relationship and she didn't even know how long this had been going on.

After another ten minutes of pacing back and forth in the living room, she finally pressed his name in her contacts and listened to the dial ton. She wasn't even sure if he would answer.

"Hey, babe." He answered casually as if he hadn't been messing around with some other girl. Just the sound of his voice made her blood boil and caused angry tears to well up in her eyes.

"You're unbelievable."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Did you really think you wouldn't get caught with her? And don't you dare tell me you don't know what i'm talking about. Eliza saw you with some other girl who was obviously not me. So, either she's making shit up or you need a really good explanation." Lizzie only stopped long enough to take a breath and wait for him to make something up. "I just don't get it, if you wanted to be with someone else then why did you pull all that romantic crap about wanting to spend the rest of your life with me, the 'love of your life and best friend'? I just don't get it."


"I'm done, Boyd. I hope you have fun with your girlfriend." Lizzie snapped, her voice cracking slightly as tears fell from her eyes and she quickly hung up the phone before angrily tossing it onto the coffee table.

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