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"I know I wasn't supposed to and I wasn't trying to, but I heard you talking to Chris."

Lizzie froze, her eyes widening.

"I get why you wouldn't tell me and I know this probably isn't how you wanted me to find out."

"So you know?" Lizzie asked, her voice quiet as she stared down at her hands that were twisted together in her lap.

Scarlett gave her a small smile, "Yeah."

"This isn't how you were supposed to find out."

"I know." She told Lizzie, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Lizzie was hesitant before she nodded, "We had been fighting before he got home that night and he was mad because he didn't want me talking to you because he thought something would happen, I guess? I don't know. But he wouldn't let it go so I finally told him, and I probably could've done this better, that I was only with him to cover up the fact that I had feelings for you."

"And then-"

"He basically told me that he wasn't letting me go that easily and then he grabbed onto me."

"I still want to kill that bastard for what he did to you." Scarlett told her, her teeth gritted together, "But first there's something I need to do."

Lizzie just stared at her, a confused expression on her face that never changed even as Scarlett leaned in closer, their faces less than a few inches apart. Until Scarlett leaned in all the way, their lips connecting softly.

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