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Incoming call from Elizabeth

Hey, Liz.

Lizzie sobs on the other end

Lizzie, what's wrong? What happened?

Lizzie just cries harder, Chris only worrying more.

Did you two breakup? What happened, just talk to me.

She got shot.

She what? What the hell are you talking about?

W-we were j-just going to get some f-food and it just happened so fast.

Liz, slow down. Where are you?

I'm at the hospital. They just took her back for surgery but it doesn't look good. She lost so much blood, Chris.

I'm getting on a plane. I'll be there in a few hours, just send me any updates you get ok? I need some way of knowing that she's still alive.

Green Dude:
Will someone please tell me what's going on?

Arrow Dude:
Evans, Downey and me are flying to New York
Scarlett got shot

Green Dude:
Damn it
Why do I have to be on the other side of the world????

Captain Small Ass:
We should be landing in an hour or so
But the last message from Lizzie said that scar was in surgery and the doctors were having problems with bleeding

Arrow Dude:
This is a disaster
She can't die

I don't even want to think about that right now
At this moment she's still alive and we just need to have faith that she'll be ok

Captain Small Ass:
You're right but I can't even think straight right now and I can't stop thinking about getting there and her being gone

Lizzie cried as she ran into Chris's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Hi, Liz. Have you heard anything?" He asked, his hand stroking her hair. She just shook her head in response, refusing to let the man go. "It's ok, honey. She'll be ok."

She lost a lot of blood

She stopped breathing

She might not wake up

She could have brain damage if she does

I'm sorry

The doctors words echoed in Lizzie's head, an endless loop that had her pacing in the waiting room. This wasn't how things were supposed to go, they were supposed to both be happy and healthy.

Everything had just been turned upside down and Lizzie couldn't breathe. It was all too much for her to handle. And the walls were closing in on her, her state of panic only getting worse.

"Lizzie, just come here." Chris stepped in, pulling her closer to him, taking her hands in his, "Liz, I need you to breathe, ok?"

"I- c-can't. I can't do this."

Chris just squeezed her hands, "Lizzie, listen to me. I need you to breathe, ok? That's all we're gonna do right now. Can you do that?"

"N-no, Chris I cant do this. I c-can't d-do any of this, sh-She's gonna die a-and th-there's n-nothing I can do about it."


"A-And it's all m-my fault."

Chris's heart sank, "It's not your fault, Lizzie. You didn't shoot her."

"B-But it n-never would've h-happened if I'd been paying attention. It's my fault she got shot." Lizzie sobbed as Chris pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly to him as he kissed her forehead.

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