Chapter Seven

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On monday the child is fair of face

I woke up to Draco sitting on me and boucing.

"Wake up Harry! Wake up!" He giggled, bouncing on my ribcage. I sat up slightly to save my abused ribs and looked at Draco blearily.

"What?" I mambled, rubbing my eyes.

"Sev'rus says breaf'st's ready." He said, sliding off the bed and running out of the room. I groaned as I threw off the covers and trudged out into the kitchen.

"About time you woke up." Severus stated from behind the kitchen bench. The smell of bacon cooking woke me up almost immediatly. "You made breakfast?" I asked incredulously.

"Obviously." He scrapped some slices of bacon onto three plates and flipped some eggs on as well.

I strode over and took the plates, puting them on the table before helping Draco onto his seat which was boosted up with the assistance of several cushions.

"Thanky Harry." He said, grabbing some bacon and chewing on it.

"Eat up Potter, your lessons start today." Severus said, sitting down and passing me a knife and fork.

"Do mine start too?" Draco said through a mouthful of egg.

Severus grimaced at the terrible display of table manners. "Yes, yours as well."

Draco looked at me with a happy smile. I grabbed a napkin and leant over to him, cleaning the egg mush off his face. "There you go handsome, all clean." I leant back in my chair and did a double take when I realised I'd called Draco handsome. I hesitantly looked up at Severus, who had one eyebrow cocked up at me. "Slip of the tounge?" I said, but it was more of a question. "If that if what you wish to call it." He said, wiping his hand off on his napkin and gathering the plates. "Go get your wand, I will supply Draco with his."

"Won't he need his own wand?" I asked, helping him off his chair and holding his hand.

"I have his wand, Minerva sent it to me after Argus found it." He said simply, waving his wand at the dishes to begin the cleaning process.

"I hava wand?" Draco asked in astonishment, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, you're gonna learn how to use it today." I told him as I walked him to our room.

"Yee!" he giggled, bouncing along instead of walking.

I quickly grabbed my wand from the bedside table and walked out to see Severus opening the back door.

"We're practicing outside?" I asked, letting Draco Run ahead and leap outside.

"Of course, I'm not having you two ruin my house with your foolish wand waving and silly incantations." He huffed, striding outside and holding the door open.

I quickly ran through the doorway and stood on the grass, Draco taking hold of my hand again.

"And now we begin." Severus said.


I sat next to Draco on the grass with my sandwich. We had covered the most basic spells with Draco to the point he could correctly pronounce them. Which was a start at least. I'm not doing too bad myself.

"Harry?" Draco asked, putting his sandwich in his lap.

"Yeah? Is something wrong Draco?"

"Well, I was thinkin' 'bout you 'n' Gin"

"Huh? Why're you thinking about Ginny?"

"Do you- are you in love with her?"

I stared at him silently for a moment. I could feel Severus watching carefully.

"Well...she is my girlfriend."

"Oh, okay." He said, looking down slightly.


Not responding, Draco stood up and toddled over to Severus and grabbed his wand.

"I wanna keep practicing." He mumbled. Severus took Draco's wand.

"I think you need to explain yourself to Harry first." He said, laying Draco's wand beside him and shooing Draco back in my direction. Draco nodded shyly and walked back over to me, falling forwards into my arms.

"I don' want you to leave me 'lone when we get back t' Hogwarts." He said, his voice muffled into my chest.

"I'll never leave you Draco, I promise." I told him, stroking his hair gently. He sat up quickly.

"Really?" He jumped forward and kissed me on the cheek before running over to Severus to get his wand.

"What's with him and kissing me?" I asked, more to myself than Severus once Draco was out of hearing distance.

"He doesn't understand the concept of love." Severus responded. "Part of him is still eighteen and is very much emotionally stunted. However, it is mostly overruled by the child." He turned to me. "He understands as a child the admiration towards you as a wizard who understands him, almost in a brotherly way. However as a teenager, those emotions would come across as romantic affection."

"So you're saying that, deep down, Draco is in love with me?" I asked, watching the five-year-old throw sparks from the tip of his wand.


I nodded slowly, trying to piece everything together.

"However you must not let this information change how you treat him, he is just a child."

"I understand." I said, standing up and grabbing my wand.

"Hey Harry!" Draco called out. "can you show me your Sparkly Animal?"

"Sparkly animal?" I repeated, looking at Severus, who let out a long suffering sigh.

"It was the simplest way to explain what a Patronus was."

I laughed slightly and held out my wand. "Expecto Patronum." The glittering stag erupted from the tip of my wand and pranced towards Draco.

"Yay, pretty deer. Pretty deer." He sang, spinning around to look at the Patronus.

I let myself smile again. 'Maybe I like him a little bit too' I thought to myself.


Sorry for the short chapter, I am trying my best to get these out.

Question Time!!!

I am totally stumped for Draco's Patronus. Could you guys please let me know what you think it should be. That would both mean a lot and help a lot.

Snakey out

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