Chapter Thirteen

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Sunday's child is Fair and Wise and Good and Extremely Gay

Sunlight streamed through the window that Draco must have pulled open last night and onto my face, waking me up rather uncomfortably. I rolled over slightly, opening my eyes to see a distinct lack of five-year-old.

I darted from the bed and out the door to the main area of the common room, only stopping to grab my glasses. Hermione was in one of the chairs reading, she looked up in alarm when I ran into the room.

"Draco's gone!" I exclaimed, running out the portrait and nearly tripping down the stairs.

"Harry! Wait!" Hermione called after me, trying to keep up in a more dignified manner. I tried to look over my shoulder at her and ended up crashing into someone at the base of the stairs, sending us both sprawling. My glasses had been knocked off my face and I could only just make out the form of the other person standing up.

Hermione suddenly appeared before me, slipping my glasses onto my face. "Harry listen, there's something I need to tell you." She said, helping me to my feet. I turned to quickly apologise to the other person, only to freeze up at the sight of them.

It was Draco. Not a child anymore, but eighteen and looking at me rather oddly.

"Draco?" I asked, astonished. He said nothing and turned away, walking off quickly. I turned back to Hermione. "That's what you were trying to tell me about, isn't it?" I asked, my throat suddenly dry.

"He left this morning, I'm sorry Harry." 

"What are you sorry for?" I asked a little too quickly. "I was just supposed to take care of him until the spell wore off. Looks like my job's done."

Hermione gave my a pitying smile. "You can't fool me, you're going to miss taking care of him."

I looked off to wear Draco had left and gave a small nod. "Yeah, A little bit."


I sat quietly in the common room, checking over my History of Magic essay that I couldn't care less about but made a good distraction.

Taking care of Draco was, for a lack of better words, fun. To say I got a little attached was an understatement at this point. Before that train of thought could consume me, a chocolate frog landed in my lap with a small thud. I jumped at the intrusion and then jumped again when I heard someone talking.

"Don't worry, It's just chocolate."

Draco walked into my line of sight and sat down across from me. "I remembered the password." He answered the unasked question.

"So, you remember it all?" I asked, rolling up my essay and putting the frog on the side table.

"Clear as day." He said, his cheeks reddening slightly. "I was... a little ambitious for only being five."

I grinned a little. "You were kinda cute."

Draco let out a breathy laugh. "So what am I now?"

We both sat in silence for a moment. "Oh well, I guess that's that. I just wanted to give you a thank you gift before I left." Draco stood up and began to leave.

"Hey, Draco?"

 He stopped and turned back around.

"Severus told me that your feelings towards me when you were young mirrored how you feel now."

Draco glanced away slightly, but made no move to leave.

"You seemed pretty intent on kissing me." I continued, taking a step closer to him. "Is... Is that consistent with now?"

"If it was," Draco answered quickly. "What would you say?"

I gulped slightly, "I'd, um, I guess..."

As my words began to fail me, Draco stepped forward and pressed his lips to mine. I groaned at the sudden contact but relaxed into the real kiss.

Draco pulled back slightly, holding my face and watching me as if waiting for me to say something.

"Uh..." was all i could manage.

"Real articulate Harry." He said, the name sounding weird with his voice.

I mumbled a small 'shut up'

Draco pressed a chaste kiss to my cheek before flouncing past and up the stairs to my room.

"Hey, Draco!" I said, in an almost offended as i chased after him.

As soon as I was in the door, Draco Grabbed my shirt and pulled me down onto the bed.

"I love you, Harry." He said, the words clear and well pronounced. A shiver ran up my spine.

"I love you too... Draco." I smiled.

Draco let his face split into an ecstatic grin as he pulled me in for another kiss.


The rest of the year had gone by almost uneventfully. Draco and I had began dating, much to Ginny's obvious disapproval.

The animosity between Slytherin and Gyffindor that had faded while Draco was little stayed away and more often than not there were other houses in each others common rooms.

Pansy said that she'd tolerate me so long as I didn't hurt Draco.

Ron made a Similar comment about me.

Draco's dark mark hadn't returned when he "grew up", which he was very pleased about.

We continuously visited Severus throughout the year to catch him up on how we weren't failing our classes. And Draco voluntarily joined me when we went down to visit Hagrid.

"Scared Potter?" Draco asked, Grasping my hand firmly ans we got off the train for our final time. We had decided to stay at Grimmauld place and give in a renovation so it would actually looked like people lived there.

I pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"You wish."

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