Chapter Ten

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On Thursday the child has far to go

"We're doing what now?" I asked, staring at Severus incredulously.

"You two are going back to Hogwarts early." Severus repeated with a sigh. "You are both at the level you're supposed to be. I cannot teach you anything else."

I nodded mutely, continuing to eat my breakfast.

"We get to see Ron an' 'Mione again!" Draco celebrated, nearly spilling his orange juice.

"However, You must venture back alone. I cannot risk being seen by any other people."

"But Sev'rus..." Draco pouted, looking at Severus across the table with puppy eyes.

"It's a necessity, I am trying to stay hidden."

I nodded. "It's only 'cause Severus needs to stay safe Draco." Draco nodded and slid off his chair.

"I' pack you're stuff for ya Harry." He said, scampering off to our room.

I sighed and turned back to Severus. "What will happen when he's eighteen again? Will he remember all this?"

"Yes, and he will still have a strong affection for you. No matter how much you ''hated'' each other before hand."

I didn't bother to respond to that. I just wanted Draco back to normal, so I could have a serious conversation with him. And maybe-

I was shaken out of my thoughts as Draco dragged my trunk out to the main room. "All packed." He said with a grin.

"Thanks Draco."


After putting Draco to sleep I made my way down to the great hall for dinner. We had to walk back to Hogwarts due to the fact that Severus wasn't coming with us.

"Hey Har', good to see you back." Ron said, already eating.

"How did it go?" Hermione asked. I sat down heavily.

"It wasn't too bad, he's learning fast. There's been some other developments, but I'll explain later." I said, grabbing the more unhealthier dinner options and piling them onto my plate.

"Hiya Harry." I heard a voice giggle. I turned in time to see Ginny skip towards me and sit down. "Where've you been? You haven't been here for most of the week."

"I've been taking extra classes," I said, taking a swig of pumpkin juice. "Since I'm behind in some of my classes."

"Oh don't say that, I'll bet you're doing brilliantly."

Ron and Hermione let out twin snorts.

"I've also been taking care of Draco." Ginny badly hid a look of disgust and muttered a little 'oh'

The rest of the meal went somewhat smoothly until it was time for dessert. I was about to grab some tarts before the doors opened and Draco ran in, chased by Dean and Seamus who had been studying together and said that they would keep an eye on Draco if he woke up.

He ran over to me and tugged on my robes. "Why'dy'u leave me behind?" He asked, eyes watering.

"You were asleep, I didn't want to wake you."

"Bu' we always had dinner together." Guilt stung my heart like a hex.

"I-I know, but we had a long day and-"

"I don' wan' you to leave me Harry!" He hiccupped, crying now.

I turned around in my seat and gently held his face in my hands. "I'm not going to leave you Draco."

"B-but, you say you got Gin! An', an', an' you-" he cut himself off with a series of coughs from trying to talk through sobs.

Before I could console him, Ginny spoke up. "Yes, he does have me. Someone who actually knows how to use magic and can give him the care and affection he needs."

I shot her a deadly look as Draco let out louder sobs. "I can take care o' him! I can do magic! I can protect him!" He yelled, running from the great hall.

"What was that?" I demanded at Ginny.

"I was just telling him the truth." She shrugged, sipping her drink. "Besides, you need someone who won't get clingy and hysterical when you're around other people."

"Then what am I doing with you." I said, jogging after Draco.

I ran down the halls and made my way up the stairs, Calling Draco's name as I went. When I finally got to the common room, I found him with his wand, sleeves clumsily rolled up and reciting some of the spells he'd learnt over the course of the week.


He looked up at me and I swore, for a split second, he almost looked older.

"Harry! Harry look, I can do magics." He waved the wand, causing the tip to light up. I smiled and strode over hugging him tightly.

"That's amazing Draco."


"Yeah, But we gotta keep working on it. Okay?"

Draco smiled at me.

"Okay. Love ya Harry"


Okay, first off, Thank you so, so much for all the amazing comments. You guys are awesome.

Second. I'm sorry it took so long for this chapter to be posted, I was slapped in the face with writer's block and had no idea where to go with it.

The next chapter should (hopefully) be up soon

Again, thank you for all the comments.


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