Chapter Nine

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On Wednesday the child is full of woe

Draco hadn't spoken to either myself nor Severus since he produced a Patronus yesterday. He trudged around the house sadly as I practiced potion making with Severus.

"Have you found out why he is upset yet?" Severus asked, watching my movements carefully as I stirred the potion.

"He hasn't said anything, he was barely on the bed last night either. I don't think he likes me at the moment." I finished stirring the potion and looked at Severus.

"Well, I'll attempt to get the answer out of him if you make lunch. Oh, and your potion's passable. Congratulations." He waved his wand and the cauldron floated off, the potion leaping into several flasks.

I walked around into the kitchen and watched Severus walk towards Draco through the doorway.

"Draco, we need to talk." He said gently, sitting down next to were Draco was moping. He looked up at Severus with a sad expression.

"Why are you not talking to us?"

"'cause Harry doesn' like me." He said quietly. Severus placed his hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Why would you think he doesn't like you?

"You said when people 'tronus match up they're supposed t' be together."

I stopped what I was doing and looked out at Draco.

"Just because your patronus is a ferret and his is a stag does not mean he doesn't like you." Severus chided. Draco nodded and looked up, watching me through the doorway.

I looked away and went back to cutting up a tomato for the sandwiches.

"Maybe you should go talk to him about it." I heard Severus say and only moments later I felt Draco tugging on my pant leg.

"Do you like me?" He asked quietly. I smiled at him.

"Of course I do." I said, putting down the knife and crouching in front of him.

"Even though we don' match?" He asked, tugging my shirt to get me to sit down which I did.

"Even though we don't match." I assured him. Draco smiled and plopped down in my lap, snuggling his head under my chin.

"Can I see your 'tronus 'gain?" He asked, pulling my wand out of my pocket. I took my wand and with a whisper of the spell, a much smaller patronus than what I was used to seeing appeared. Draco let out a little gasp.

"Uh, Severus!" I called out. "Minor emergency!"

Severus entered the room and looked at my patronus. "It's a stout." He said, as if it was nothing.

"What happened to the stag?" I nearly shouted.

"It would seem that your patronus has altered itself to accommodate its counterpart."

Before I could ask anything else Draco stood up quickly. "We match Harry!" He yelled, hugging me tightly.

I turned to Severus. "We're soulmates?" I mouthed.

"It would seem." He said, waving his wand at the half made sandwiches to complete them.

I hugged Draco back, for a split moment imagining him to be the eighteen-year-old he was supposed to be. I hugged him tighter, determined to return him to his normal age.

"Lunch is ready." Severus finally said, laying the plates on the table. I stood up, Draco still in my arms and took my seat.

"You wanna go to your seat?" I asked Draco, who shook his head and began eating.


I sat on the ground next to Severus, who had a chair, and watched Draco run around the yard.

"What am I supposed to do? I have Ginny."

Severus scoffed. "And she seems like such a delightful girl."

"She's nice and she's most certainly brave." I quickly defended. "But-"

"But nothing Potter, Draco wishes to care for you as if you were his life source. Is that something she would do for you?"

"Well, I don't know. She does tend to get jealous a lot though. She's even jealous of the care I'm giving Draco." I sighed, watching as Draco dropped to the ground, rolled for a bit, then got up to chase a butterfly.

"He never got this kind of childhood did he?"

"No, his father was strict and refused even the idea of Draco being able to have fun." Severus said quietly. "No child should have to live like that."

We watched the five-year-old silently as he continued after the butterfly. "You're the key to him changing back. Once he sees that he is needed, that he is loved, he'll return to receive that love and affection." Severus explained. "You may care about him now, but will you still when he is eighteen again?"

I sat silently for a moment as Draco came up to us to show us the butterfly he had finally caught.

"I will"


Sorry for another short chapter.

I didn't really know how to lengthen it out.

Hope you've all enjoyed the story so far


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