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"...urngghhh...my head..."


"w-what happened last night?"

i scanned around to realize that it wasn't my room, it was an old rusty place. and there was a girl next to me.. i looked down to notice that... i was completely naked, the girl was too... i forced the memory of last night to come back to me.

"i can't... did i...?"

"park f-cking jimin what did you do...?"

i turned to look at the girl. soo...min? brunette hair...the scent of alcohol...

but...she never drinks. she hates it. m-maybe..it is her and not some random girl...maybe...

sudden movements can be heard from the rustling sounds made by the duvet. the girl is facing my direction, groaning loudly.

my heart is hammering against my ribcage. hoping that i lost my first to someone that is not a stranger.

oh god please... please...

she opens her eyes.

i can see the thing called the end


you lied to me 90 times.

101 lies → jiminWhere stories live. Discover now