Chapter 3

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"Where are the bereaved?" I ask him. "Everyone's huddled up in the kitchen. I didn't want them getting mobbed by the press and dead old Vincent is up in his room I wanted you to have a look before they take him away," he mutters in reply. "I will after I meet his chief mourners," I say in response.

We arrive at the kitchen door and I cast a furtive glance at Chief. He nods slightly well aware of my next actions. I kick open the door much to the bewilderment of the occupants in the room.

I could sense tension,fear and insecurity all at the same time. Nice! Just my expectation of a perfect working condition. "Good evening to all of you and I extend my condolences but as you all know this is not a time for pleasantries. I'm the detective put in charge of this case. So I want names and affiliation to the dead man. Let's go," I bark at them.

"I'm I'm I've been Mr. Vincent's butler for years," a man in his late fifties and in a three piece suit stammers to me. "But not anymore Sir," I respond with a smirk. "Yes next!" I bark.

"I am Anna Donald the only child of Mr. Vincent Donald,"I hear a melodious voice churn out. I turn to the direction of the voice and there is Anna breathtaking and stunning in every way although her eyes are swollen from excessive crying I guessed. I feel my heart sink but quickly put myself in check. "This is a murderer searching assignment not a soul searching one," I remind myself. I'm rocked by a fit of jealousy when I realize her waist is encircled by a pair of strong looking arms.

"And who is your companion?"I ask surprised at the hint of anger in my tone. "My boyfriend Andy,he decided to stay behind and comfort me," she replies. "Well Miss this is not a charity ball or social event where everyone parades their personal man slave. Could you ask the gentleman to leave?"I scream. Her eyes widen in surprise and I could feel her cheeks burn in anger. "Chief ,I don't care who this man is but he dare not come here out from whichever savage jungle to order us about like puppets," she says obviously trying to keep her temper in check. "Miss if you really want to find out what happened to your dad better allow Eddie to operate. He decides who stays and who leaves that's his job,"Chief tells her tiredness etched all over his features.

She stamps her foot angrily and whispers something into her boyfriend's ears. He mutters something and then walks away. "Well I like my women to be difficult," I smile to myself. Something just seemed wrong about him. He was not the right guy for her. But was I? I hear my inner voice ask.

"I am Valeria and I am the maid responsible for taking care of Mr. Donald's sister Sophie,"I hear a hushed voice from the left corner say. There's a beautiful girl or would I say woman just a bit older than Anna who looks totally unaware of all that's happening sitting in a wheelchair. There's also a very petit but beautiful girl standing behind her in a maid outfit. I squat beside her and smile. She mutters something unintelligible and starts to laugh hysterically.

"Well I thought there was a widow? Or she's also been killed ?"I say standing up. "Here I am," I hear a voice from behind saying. Well this widow certainly looked like she'd stepped off the covers of  a Cosmopolitan or Vogue magazine in her nightwear. Her face looked familiar but I'm sure I'd from one of the magazines the junior officers flipped about back at the precinct. "Nobody would have thought you were in the widow category ," I say looking her up to down. She huffs and then plops into a seat close by.

"So who discovered him dead?"I ask. "Me," Anna replied. "He'd left orders with Joshua that I come up to see him as soon as I arrived home,"she continued. "And where had you been?"I ask my stomach tightening in knots. "With my boyfriend ,"she quickly uttered   Damn that boy! "I got there sat beside him and realized his hands were cold so I took of the covers and all I could see was blood blood,"she says breaking down in sobs. Joshua quickly moves to her side patting her back.

"Well enough of the tears my lady he's already dead,"I say tapping my feet. She looks up surprised but says nothing.

"I guess it's a night for us all. I'll let you all sleep now and I'll go have a little chit chat with dead old Vincent. If anything comes up I'll let you know,"I say. All of them shrug and move out of the kitchen. 

"Chief let's go see him,"I say. Chief goes up the stairs with me close to his heels. "Do you have no fear for the dead Detective?"I hear a voice ask from beneath the stairs. I turn to see it's Anna.

"If I was you Missy I'd fear who killed my dad. Who knows they might be coming for you next," I chuckled running up the few remaining steps to catch up with Chief. I hear a slight gasp as she scurries away.

Well so this chapter was rather long but I hope it's good and I have 24 reads now thanks to each person who's had time to read I'm really grateful❤️ and  @tachiemens thanks for the support I appreciate it💯

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