Day One | 3 |

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Once they were outside the restaurant, Scott softly laid a hand on Mitch's shoulder blades.
"Just along the shore. We'll pass a few quiet spots on our way to the ice cream parlour where we can talk and sing and just have fun."

Scott's soft touch made Mitch realise that he really wanted to touch Scott too. Hold his hand, touch his shoulder, grasping his upper arm...
Mitch very slighty shook his head.
This guy was slowly driving him crazy and he wasn't too sure about what was happening with him.

"I would never ever dare to argue with my teacher, so ice cream is on you."
Mitch joked and flashed Scott a bright smile.
They walked next to each other for a few minutes without talking.
But it wasn't an awkward kind if silence. It was nice, and Mitch couldn't help but look over at Scott from time to time, admiring his very good looking jawline and scruffy beard.

Scott just walked along the sea, pointing out facts about this and that every now and then, but he mostly just enjoyed being with Mitch. It was weird. Usually he always felt the need to have a conversation, but right now he just felt comfortable saying nothing.

So it was a while until he spoke up again:
"Mitch? Are you up for a little detour? I promise it won't be long and worth the walk."

Mitch looked up into Scott's eyes and nodded:
"Sure! What are we going to do?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" Scott said.
"Oh and there might be a sunset included, I hope you don't find this cheesy?"

Mitch liked how this evening turned more and more into a stereotypical date.
"All right then, lead the way. I love surprises and I live sunsets. I think you can watch them a million times and they're still beautiful each an every time."

"Alright"Scott said. He left the promenade and walked over a small path down to some small cliffs.
"The view from up there is amazing and getting up there is easy. We just have to climb up those stones, it's easy and safe. Are you in?"

Mitch looked down at his feet:
"I'm very glad that I chose to not wear heels tonight." he mumbled.
Then he looked up.
"I'm totally in. My phone is in my left pocket, my bloodtype is zero negative and if they ask in the hospital, I'm gluten free."

Scott broke out into laughter. "Seriously?" He shook his head. "Nothing will happen. But I'm not forcing you. If this is not your kind of activity, we can totally go elsewhere."

"No! I told you I'm in!" And to prove his words, Mitch placed his left foot onto one of the stones.

"Fine" Scott said. He stepped past Mitch to show him where to put his feet and soon they reached the top of the cliffs. He held out his hand for Mitch to take and helped him up. "See? It was fairly easy. And totally worth it, wasn't it?"

"True." Mitch huffed as he made one final step up the rock. At least he planned to make a step, but instead he stumbled and crushed against Scott's chest.
"I'm sorry!"
He twitched back and looked at his feet.
"My shoelace is open. Great..."
Mitch bend down to tie his shoe again.

Scott was more than startled by this sudden feeling of the smaller man against his chest. "Oh it's... okay" he said softly when Mitch was already moving away to tie his shoelaces.

Mitch stood up and looked around:
"Wow, this is beautiful!"
He looked at Scott:
"Thank you for showing me this place. I bet there aren't that many people coming up here..."

Scott shook his head.
"No. This is why I chose this place. We still have the beach and the view, but we're on our own" he said while looking out to the shore.
"And I don't know... I felt like coming up here with you. He turned around to look at Mitch.
"I just did."

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