- Prologue -

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A/N: I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors or any spelling errors. This is my first story.

Also I'm still debating on if I'm gonna write this story on someone's POV or third person view, so I apologize if this chapter is half and half of both.

I'm not the greatest writer in the world, but I do hope you enjoy my story, it took a long time to write this chapter.


Aviana's POV:

This is it.

The day I've been waiting for my whole life.

Don't mess up today.

I keep on telling myself as I wait for the lady at the reception desk to call my name. The waiting room, which I'm currently in, was very dull and lifeless yet it was also extravagant and vibrant.

"Ms Miller?" A voice broke me out of my train of thoughts.

"Y-yes that's me." I say standing up, and making sure my outfit is unwrinkled. I'm wearing a white blouse tucked in a long black pencil skirt and some black heels. In my opinion I think my outfit is very professional, but I do hope the others think it's also very impressive first look.

"Right this way." The lady leads me towards a room "Mrs. Braveman is waiting for you in her office. When you head inside, take a seat on the chair in front of her desk. I have already given her all your files and information, so you don't need to worry about that." She nods and walks back to her desk "before I go" she says "please make a good first impression and at least try to act like professional, not just another random teenager." Without another word she leaves.

I open the double doors to a luxurious well-kept room. There was a high felling holding an extravagant chandler. Bookcases filled to the brim were set all around the corners. The wooden look, gave this room a much more welcoming and yet professional place.

"Please sit" said the woman, as I quickly stopped my thoughts.

I really need to stop daydreaming.

"Hello" I say as I sit down in the comfy black chair.

"Nice to have you here today, Ms Miller" Mrs Braveman said as she willingly let her hand out for me to shake "I presume you know who I am"

"Of course!" I say while I eagerly shake her hand back "I mean, it's always has been my dream to come to Yale, and now that I have a chance. I'm just shocked!"

Did that sound to unprofessional?

"Ah yes. We've heard that reaction before. Even in those same words" she says as she looks through my file.

My file contains all of my grades since primary school to high school, it even contains if I have had any detentions or if I turned any assignment late. It was very important and I don't know what I would do if I lost it.

"Your grades are great and you haven't had a single day of detention." She says scanning my face "but-"

But what?!

"-it seems that you don't have enough credit." She says with a disappointed look on her face "what a shame. I would of really liked you being a student here."

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