Strength To Protect

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What is the measure of a true hero?

Is it their strength? Intelligence? The number of villains and monsters vanquished?

Saitama didn't become a hero for the fortune, fame, and or glory. No, none of these things were even close to the reason he became a hero, nor will they ever be.

Sure, his feelings may have started receding ever since he'd reached the strength he had now, but even so...he will never forget the reason why he trained so hard and wanted to become a hero in the first place.

As usual, his opponents were nowhere near the strength he possessed and as such, posed no threat or even challenge to him which is why he didn't even bother paying much attention to them even as the anthropomorphic lion monster prepared to unleash its attack on him.

"Hey, are you listening?"

"Let me just shake this out"

Had you not been with him all this time, you might have sweatdropped or facepalmed at how he delayed the battle from starting all because he had some dirt on his suit. Both the lion and the mole, who for some reason was named Ground Dragon, were surprisingly patient as they waited for the egg-headed hero to finish cleaning himself up.




"You done yet?" Asked Beast King whom you really had to give props to for having the patience to wait for him.

"One sec"

Running out of patience, the monster huffed and turned its attention elsewhere, beady red eyes locking onto your form which had been safely standing in the sidelines the whole time.

A dark gleam shone in its eyes as it turned its whole body to your direction instead, claws lengthening and body becoming bigger and stronger to prepare for what was most likely a devastating attack.

"If you aren't going to take this seriously...then I'll make you!!!"

Even as the beast ran towards you with teeth bared and claws out and ready to rip you into pieces, you weren't scared. You merely stood your ground and looked at it straight in the eye, not a single ounce of fear radiating out of you as it got closer and closer.


"Consecutive Normal Punches"

You didn't need to worry at all about your safety...because you knew Saitama would always be there to protect you.

That's why he trained so much to gain strength and become a protect and defend humanity. Most

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now