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Under the watchful gaze of the moon, two lovers held each other as they journeyed back to their humble abode. Both with certain thoughts weighing heavy in their minds as they silently traversed the desolate roads.

Whereas our resident egghead's thoughts went more along the line of why did the promotional test to become a B Class have to take so long, the same could not be said for you.

With your head hanging down, lips pursed, and brows scrunched up, it was obvious that your thoughts did not revolve on trivialities such as what to have for dinner and the like. Rather, what distressed you was your latest life-changing decision.

Although you wanted to help people just as much as Saitama, you couldn't help but feel that you didn't have the same drive and will to protect as him. That compared to him you were just a little girl trying to play hero when you could barely even protect yourself...


At the call of his name, dark brown eyes focused their attention on you as their owner tilted his head to the side. Curiosity and a hint of worry swam within them as you mostly only ever call him by his full name whenever you were angry, scared, or during the throes of passion.

"Do...Do you think I'll be a good hero? I never really thought that...I'd have what it takes to become one, but here I am..."

You didn't even know the full extent of your powers nor how to exactly control them! How did people expect you to save them when the strength you should be using to do so was unknown even to you?!

Maybe you should just march back to the Hero Association and tell them straight that you didn't have what it takes to be a hero? Merely thinking about the amount of lives that will be at stake if you continued this farce felt as if you'd just been drenched by a bucket of cold water.

This was stupid.

You were stupid for even thinking that you could do anything more than just stand in the sidelines and stay safe and out of harm's way.

"I don't think you'll become a good hero" Saitama nonchalantly replied as if he were stating a fact.

He was right.

Despite not being the smartest man out there, your husband clearly understood that you becoming a hero was completely illogi—

"I KNOW you'll be a good hero so stop worrying already. Besides, I'll be here with you every step of the way" Had you not known Saitama as well as you did, you'd have thought that his words were insincere with how apathetic he looked at the moment.

But you do know your darling egghead in and out that nothing escaped your attention, not the tinge of pink on his cheeks nor the underlying warmth and conviction in his words.

Once again, it was only the moon who bore witness to the warm embrace the young lovers shared.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now