Not Alone Anymore

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It was like a scene from the apocalypse.

A gigantic meteor was heading straight for the city and the sheer destruction it will cause once it hits was too frightful to even think about.

Sirens were blaring, cars were honking, and people were screaming, praying, or merely staring into nothingness as their certain doom became imminent when not even the combined power of two S-Class heroes was enough to destroy the meteor.

He...had failed.

Even after all this time...he still wasn't strong enough and what's worse is that the life of so many innocent people will be lost because of his weakness.

"Sensei...(Name)-san...I'm sorry"

"Nine more seconds...Get out of here, Bang"

It was hopeless at this point to try and destroy the humungous flaming ball of rock, but Genos at least comforted himself with the thought that Saitama wouldn't let anything happen to himself and his wife. So at least his efforts gave the both of you and perhaps some of the other citizens of Z City even a little bit of time to try and flee.

Head hung down and optics shut, the cyborg's systems powered down due to having used too much power in his effort to destroy the meteor and also acceptance that any other attempt was useless.

"Old man, take care of Genos and (Name) for me"

As soon as that familiar voice reached his ears, the blond's eyes opened and he lifted his head, turning to see the bright yellow hero suit and those bright (Eye Color) orbs looking down at him with such worry and relief.

The teen did nothing to hide his awe and shock as the bald hero leapt into the sky to meet the meteor head on.

"Genos, if you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to tell me or Saitama, okay? You're not alone" The bright smile you sent him along with your declaration made warmth spread inside of him as you draped his arm around your shoulders to help him up.

"Sai may not act like it, but he cares about you too. We both care about you and as far as we're concerned, you're already like family to us" The softness of your eyes and the sincerity of your words made the cyborg swallow the lump in his throat, barely able to believe his importance in your lives.

A myriad of colors painted the sky after the destruction of what might have been the harbinger of doom for the citizens of Z City.

Although none of you heard your husband's declaration of not letting the meteor hit, his sheer determination to protect everyone was not lost and was instead felt in waves.

It should have been impossible with him being almost completely robotic, but it was the least shocking thing to have happened that day.

A small tear leaked out of Genos' optics.

He wasn't alone anymore.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now