The Benefits of Konbu

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"Shoot. I forgot to buy some konbu soup stock" Mumbled Saitama to himself as the vine-like seaweeds shot out and aimed directly at him, intent on causing him harm just like the other two unconscious and badly beaten heroes he'd passed by.

"(Name)'s going to throttle me if I don't bring even a little back"

Konbu Infinity never stood a chance.

"Welcome back, dear. Did you get the konbu soup stock I asked for?" As usual, (Name) welcomed him back as soon as he stepped through the door, something that would never stop bringing a smile to the hero's face.

"Mhmm, I got a the store. There was ughhh...a sale earlier"

"Really? That's strange. There wasn't anything about a sale on konbu on the newspaper or the shop's website...Must have been a flash sale or something"

You were usually informed about all sales happening in supermarkets near you, so perhaps management just got too much konbu and decided to put it on sale rather than just let it go to waste?

Saitama couldn't thank whatever gods were up there enough. He knew you'd kill him if you find out the true origins of all the seaweed he'd gotten.

"Yes, people say that konbu is good for hair growth, but since there is now scientific proof, its real effects are yet to be confirmed"

"Ahh, so that must be why you bought so much when I only asked you buy a little. Good work, Genos! You must have researched so much about natural remedies that enhance hair growth"

"Thank you, (Name)-san. It's one of the few things I can do for sensei with after all" The corners of the cyborg's lips tilted upwards, a bashful and slightly prideful expression making its way to his face at being praised by you.

The C Class hero deadpanned as he stopped stirring the konbu, head hanging low while you and his 'student' became engrossed in a discussion about the benefits of seaweed when it came to hair growth until he couldn't take it anymore.


Tinkling laughter was the only reply he received.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now