Something Wonderful

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You were that quiet girl in class who usually had her nose stuck in a book or was writing something in her notebook and he was that average guy who wanted to become a hero one day and was willing to help anyone in need despite all the odds being stacked against him.

While almost everyone laughed at or ignored Saitama's efforts to help others just because it was the right thing to do, you found it very admirable and selfless of him to do so.

Every time you tried to introduce yourself though, you always found yourself hesitating and all together giving up, because who were you compared to someone who had a heart of gold like him? Despite all the backlash and jeers he received from everyone for fighting even though he had no physical prowess, it never seemed to stop the male from continuing to try and protect the defenseless.

You'd be lying though if you said that the heroes in your stories weren't based off of him, because how many times in your life do you encounter someone so selfless and willing to defend the same people who rewarded his efforts with mockery and or scorn?

That unrelenting will to protect others...that was what made someone a true hero.

Maybe one day you'd be able to walk up to Saitama, thank him for all the effort he put into helping others, and that you appreciated it face to face. Until then you'd be content just watching over him and silently cheering him on.

Little did you know that he was also watching over you, having long found out the identity of the person who would repeatedly leave notes in his locker thanking him for keeping up the hero work. While he may not be doing it for any gain, it was still nice to know that he was appreciated and by a pretty girl too...

Maybe one day he'd have the courage to talk to you, but until then he was more than happy just keeping watch over you.

Neither of you may know it, but that was the start of something wonderful.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now