Chapter 1- Greetings and Salutations

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The car ride with Francesca, Sierra, and Megan went by very slow. The entire time, they just gossiped and poked fun at some of the "losers" of Millikan High.

None of this amuses me, so I spent most of the ride spacing them out and looking out the car window. (I'm waving through a window) I listened in on their conversations a few times when they mentioned the C's but then went back to my own world. That is until one thing Megan said sparked my curiosity.

"Have you guys heard about that new kid starting school today?" Megan spoke up naively.

"Ummm NO. Who is it?" Francesca replied.

"Yeah who is it?" Sierra added as Francesca shot her another annoyed look.

"His name is Jason Dean. He and his father moved into the house right next to mine!"

"Well, is he cute or not? Spill!!" Francesca asked as if Megan was dumb for not answering this question already.

"Yeah he's pretty cute I guess. He almost has some hot psycho vibe going on, if you know what I mean" she laughed, "he is constantly wearing this black trench coat. I don't know, but I might stay away from him if I were you."

"Hmmm. I want to meet this Jason Dean kid." Francesca said with a laugh.

The four of you then got out of the car and entered the hell also know as high school.

The first half of the day went by in a boring blur as always, and I had no classes with this "psycho trench coat kid" that sparked my curiosity.

Now, it was lunch. The time of day that I am constantly dreading. I didn't really mind school itself too much. I way actually pretty smart and was taking all ap classes this year. The part of school I dislike however, was the people, and during lunch is when they showed how big of jerks they could really be.

Me and my 3 other friends made our way to our table but before we could, we were stopped by Catherine, Casey, and Caitlyn.

I could tell that my 3 friends got lumps in their throats. I however, was not as fazed by the C's, so I decided to speak up instead. "Hello Cathy" I said with a smile, knowing she strongly disliked being called by her nicknames.

"Hello to you too Y/N/N (your nickname)" she said right back.

That sneaky bitch

"And hello to the rest of the power puff girls as well!" she continued with a mega bitch smile and the other 2 girls behind her giggled.

"Oh! Did you guys hear about the prank the three of us played on that freak Fiona?" Caitlyn, the Blonde behind Catherine asked with excitement. They started giggling a bit.

"No, what???" My friends asked, now amused. I however, was worried. That poor Fiona girl was always the but of every joke and I was nervous to learn what they did to her this time.

"Well, do you guys remember how back in Elementary, she tried to kiss Casey over here?" Asked Catherine.

"It was gross" added Casey as the 3 friends of mine behind mine began gasping, giggling, and speaking nonsense like "what? Fiona is a lesbian?", "eww", and "faggy Fiona".

Oh how I hated humanity

"Well, we decided to use this knowledge to our advantage, so we had Casey write her a note saying she wanted them to pick up where they left off and meet her at the park over break. We of course never showed. Instead, she just stood their looking like a desperate dweeb waiting for Casey to show up, FOR HOURS!"

All of the girls around me, including my so called friends started laughing and saying some more homophobic shit that made me feel sick.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS ACTING LIKE SUCH BITCHES?" I spoke (a little) louder than attended.

"What?" Caitlyn replied to me with a laugh acting like they did nothing wrong, "I'm sure the note alone gave her shower nozzle masterbation material to last weeks!"

Catherine shot her a look but then smiled back at me, clearly amused by the fact I had the guts to stand up to them.

"Hey, are you coming to Logan and Blaine's party tomorrow night? You know, the one celebrating the fact we only have 2 more quarters left in this shit hole?"

Now, I was caught off guard. Sure my friends and I have been to many popular parties but we have never been personally invited to one by Catherine. Especially considering how she singularly invited me. I can't let her see that this has shocked me though.

"How very! Of course we will be there." I told them confidently and making sure to put an emphasis on "we". No way in hell would I go to a jocks party alone. That's practically like getting on your hands and knees begging "Please, rape me!!!"

"Of course" she said shooting another toothy smile back at my friends as her and the other C's started to walk away.

"Oh and by the way" Catherine stoped in her tracks and winked at me, "the new kid has been staring at you."

The three queen bitches walked away leaving my friends and I in quite some shock. Quickly, I began scanning the cafeteria for this "new kid". Within seconds my eyes locked with a student sitting alone (other than a kid who looked to be half asleep and half high) at the back corner table, wearing a dark coat, and clearly staring right at me with a smirk.

Damn... Megan was right, he is pretty hot.

The two of us continued just staring at each other for a few seconds until Sierra snapped my out of my fantasy.

"Well, are you going to actually go over and talk to him, or are you just going to keep staring like some desperate watchdog?"

Shooting Sierra a quick look, I began to walk over to this Mr. No Name New Kid with my friends watching from behind with intrigue.

As I walked to him, our stare never broke and when I finally reached his table he was the first one to speak, with his smirk still plastered on that cute face of his.

"Greetings and Salutations"


OoooOooh I kinda left it on a cliff hanger(;

Sorry this chapter was pretty boring but I still needed to set up the main clique at the school.
I tried to make them as close to the Heathers as possible without making it seem like I just copied and pasted from the movie/ musical.

I promise that starting next chapter, JD will be in it a lot!!!

If you liked it don't forget to vote and all that jazz.

If you have any suggestions that I could use for future chapters or for characters, please feel free to comment!!


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