chapter 4- Truth or kiss

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A/N- fiiiiinnnallly an update! So, sorry if this chapters a bit messy

"Let's play truth or dare" Francesca stated bluntly

     We were only about 30 minutes into our sleepover at, of course, my house when she suggests one of theses games that will of course end horribly. Not like I was paying much attention to our conversations so far. I just, I can't take my mind off of that JD.
There is just something so mysterious yet comforting about them. I can't really describe it.

"Ummm y/n!" Sierra snapped me out of my daydream suddenly

"Oh. What? Sorry."

"Probably fantasizing about that freak from 7/11." Francesca rolled her eyes, clearing having a dislike for JD, "it's your turn to ask someone truth or dare"

"Oh sorry. So uh Megan, truth or dare?"


"Ok then... (she is clearly enthusiastic) well um what is your uhhh favorite... color?"

"Seriously Y/N? THAT'S the best thing you can come up with? It's not like we're in kindergarten any more!" Francesca shouted.

"Welll I'm sorry I'm not as devoted to this game as you are I guess. Why don't you ask the questions then?!" I argued back.

"Ok then" Francesca smirked.

Oh great

"Y/N, I dare YOU to kiss me."

(Wait what?)

"Excuse me?"

"I sAid, I dare you to kiss me. What? It's not like it means anything at all."
(An- it autocorrected "at" to gay. #totallynohomo #jk)

The other two girls honestly seemed just as surprised as I was but also intrigued.

Like she said, it doesn't mean anything. She probably only said it because she thought I wouldn't do it. At this point, I wasn't going to let Franny win so I might as well suck it up and pucker up.

"Ok then"

Sierra and Megan gasped not expecting my answer.

I walked over to Francesca. Leaned in, shut my eyes, and kissed her.

Her lips felt soft on mi- wait what am I thinking. I quickly tried to break but Francesca clearly was more... into it then I. After a few seconds I shoved her away from me, honestly stunned at what had just happened.

The two girls were in shock. Francesca looked at me clearly just as confused as I was about what just happened but also looking almost.. guilty. Quickly she snapped out of it and changed her expression to something fake.

"Oh. My. God. Do you two see that? Y/n totally was trying to make out with me o-or something. Ewww what are you?!" Francesca yelled.

That. Bitch.

"Excuse me?? You clearly were the one who was into.. that. Do you think I WANT to be that close to you. You are" I tried to catch myself before I start ranting "-a not nice person."

"Well I don't know about you two" Francesca started turning to Megan and Sierra who were still confused them selves, "But y/n was seeming to be enjoying herself. Ew. And all I wanted was to play truth or dare."

"Ohhhh! That must be why she was defending that Faggy Fiona in the cafeteria!" Sierra added.

The 3 of them all looked at me accusingly.


Quickly, and with as much teen angst as I had left, I grabbed my purse and ran out that house slamming the front door.


I just remembered we were at my house.

With nothing else to do, I just started waking around hoping to blow off some steam.

Pretty soon the neighborhoods started to regain familiarity again and soon I realized I was in Megan's neighborhood.


Megan's house.

I remembered the conversation we had on our way to school this morning about Megan's new neighbor.

Suddenly I get an idea.


AN- So sorry JD wasn't in this chapter at all (I promise he will be in the next one) but I got an idea from an other Heathers story on Wattpad to make Franny kind of have a crush on the main character and have their characters struggle with discovering it. Also, I just wanted to change up the whole same ole same ole JD x reader format. Hope you guys don't mined it. (Also I am Bi as fuck.)

AALSO please comment bellow how you would feel about a lil bit of JD smut in the next chapter(;; ayyyyye

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