Chapter 28

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"We talked to Mr. Harisson. He wanted us to choose representatives for the upcoming National Music Fest two months from now," Mrs. Lopez said. We're currently having a quick meeting in her office, here in the music club. Dalawa lang kami rito, at wala pa siyang binabanggit pero alam ko na kung saan ang punta ng usapang 'to. "I'll get one from this club and one from the Student Council. Since you volunteered to be a representative last year, you might want to consider it again."

Ahuh. I got it right. Ako na naman.

"Oh, yeah, it's in April, right?" I smiled modestly and turned it down as politely as I could. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Lopez. As much as I would like to, I believe that other students should also have the chance to be part of that annual event, not just the same person again." I'm already too put up with it. In fact, I didn't volunteer last year; Lolo just insisted on me going. And the year prior, he was sick, so I had to visit him, and I had no choice but to attend that not-living-on-its-name kind of festival. "Lolo already asked me, and I said no."

She gave out a little sigh and nodded. "I completely understand, Ms. Monteclaro. But can I at least ask for a little help? I already chose a representative from the music club; would you mind choosing one on your council? Or anyone who you think deserves to be there. You know how important it is, so we need someone who will really show up."

Attending this National Music Festival is a big thing and a tradition at Harrison College. Lolo is incredibly devoted to each and every music festival there is. He always wants someone to fly the flags of the music club and our school in Heland, where the particular event is held every year, in honor of the renowned bands, singers, and musicians from our institution who have been involved since then. And since those graduates will surely be at that event, our presence must also be felt. Case closed. No discussion is needed.

For me, it doesn't really matter whether you're there or not, but Lolo takes delight in it.

I nodded. "Not a problem, Mrs. Lopez. Give me a month to find that lucky one."

"Thank you."

I CHECKED the time on my phone; it's past 9 o'clock. I just left the music club office; may klase ako around 10 a.m. Mamaya pa naman 'yon, so I decided to grab some snacks first before heading to the assigned room. Dumaan ako ng cafeteria at pati na rin sa mini store ng campus. Then I checked my phone again, parang nakasanayan ko na. This is something I never done before, though—glancing on it several times in a day. Wala naman akong hinihintay na call o message.

Wala nga ba?

Wala. Kahit mayroon, I think that person doesn't give a damn anymore. Iniiwasan niya nga ako. I hate her times ten! She viewed my Instagram story last night but she didn't even like it. Can you believe that? She didn't react even though it was all about her for goodness sake. Was that hint not clear enough?

I'm just trying to patch things up with her, you know. But in the end, I always make things worse. Ugh, I'm such a mess.

Holding the snacks that I bought in a paper bag in my left hand, I stared up at the sky.

Why is it so bleak today?

"Parang uulan ah," I murmured to myself, then strolled to the class.

Ang Girlfriend Ni Crush(UNDER REVISION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon