We're Even

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 Tears poured down Jesse's face as she stared at the bloody knife. It was now normal for her to harm herself on a regular basis, she's been doing it for about two months now. Nobody knew though. She couldn't take it. Why, she blamed herself for everything? She didn't know. She blamed herself for Reuben's death, for Cassie probably starved to death, and pretty much everything else.

Jesse shut her eyes, hiding the blade in a chest. "Tomorrow."

Climbing into bed, she shook away all the thoughts of her heartbroken friends.

~Next Day~

"Jesse?" Petra called, knocking on the spoken girl's door. She had been waiting for about an hour and still, no answer. Impatient, she broke the door down, revealing Jesse,, basically drowning in her own tears. "Jesse..." Petra ran forward, hugging the emerald eyed girl. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I-it's just a nightmare."

"Well, it's okay. I'm here for you. I won't ever leave you." Just those words, spoken truthfully from the Warrior, told Jesse, her life wasn't worth cutting short.

The man's eyes narrowed as he shot an arrow, straight at Petra. She didn't have enough time to move, and the arrow was aimed right for her heart. Suddenly, in what seemed to be a blink of an eye, Jesse jumped on front of the auburn haired girl, the arrow piercing right through her stomach, tearing the flesh with a disgusting ripping sound, while blood shot out.

Time moved slowly, almost as if everything had been hit by a slowness potion. The thing, that snapped everyone out of their trance, was Jesse's heartbreaking pained scream. The man cowered at the glares of everyone, running, and escaping shortly after. None bothered to go after him, everyone running to the injured, almost dead leader of the group, in the lap of Petra.

Jesse's eyes were bloodshot, her skin deathly pale. Smiling, she addressed the whole group. "Hey, you guys." Nobody bothered to reply, knowing that she was almost gone. "You should share the leader title. You deserve it." Although it was a struggle, she managed to turn, and look at Petra. "Heh, I saved your life." She let out a weak smile. "I guess that makes us even." It took Petra a minute to figure out what that meant, when she did, it was too late to say anything back.

Jesse, was dead already.

Okay, you guys, this one is sadder than usual ones I write, and I will NEVER write one like this again BTW. I hate writing stories about people dieing so~ don't expect anything this sad again. Ever.

-Bella (A.K.A. Socially Awkward Potato) 

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