Memory Loss

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(I got the idea for this one-shot while playing the game. I took a few lines of dialogue, at the beginning, but most of it is from my imagination.)

"Please! Just make it stop!" Petra's yells echoed throughout Jesse's ears. The raven haired girl was extremely happy when she found Petra, not dead. She immediately regretted not saving her. Sure, she saved the famed warrior, but Petra, was special. Not in the way of, illness', or anything, but special to Jesse.

"I-I'm doing everything I can!" Jesse stuttered, tears threatening to spill at the sound on the pain in the girl's demands. She knew it didn't completely matter if she cried, Petra, the real Petra wasn't there. If she was, Jesse couldn't cry, she would scold the emerald eyed girl for being so emotional.

Jesse flinched as something wet soaked Magnus' armour. Glancing back, her eyes widened at the sight. Petra's dull eyes were red, salty tears pouring from her eyes. Jesse managed to turn away, no matter how much she wanted to stop, and comfort the girl behind her.

"You seriously don't remember anything?" Axel pressed on, ignoring Olivia's desperate pleas to stop. She knew Jesse liked Petra. And she didn't judge her, even though they were both girls. "Stop Olivia! Petra, nothing?" He didn't stop, and Jesse's ability to ignore her pained answers started to break. Until, she couldn't take it anymore. She started sobbing, and clamped her hand on top of her mouth, dashing out of the cave. Olivia turned, hands on her hips, glaring at Axel, who rubbed his neck sheepishly.

Petra turned towards the entrance of the cave, where Jesse ran out. She felt terrible, like it was her fault. If she just would've guessed, maybe seeing if she could remember something. Slowly rising to her feet, she walked to the front of the cave, Olivia and Axel not noticing, as the brown haired girl was repeatedly scolding the larger man, on 'How to know when to stop'.

As soon as she stepped foot outside the cave, she could hear Jesse's cries, echoing around the large mountains. "Hey." Was all Petra could say, as she wasn't completely sure of the girls name. "I'm sorry."

Jesse turned, her eyes puffed up, and nose slightly running. "W-what are y-you sorry f-for?" Petra shuffled forward, sitting down next to Jesse.

"For not remembering."

Jesse turned, shocked. "What? Nonono! It's not your fault! I-I should've saved you when I had the chance."

Using her height as an advantage, Petra grabbed Jesse's shoulder, and hugged her tightly, making Jesse's head lean onto her shoulder. The raven haired girl was surprised, but she didn't pull away. "B-but you don't even remember me. Why are you doing this?" Jesse asked, voice slightly muffled.

"I do know you, I just don't remember." Petra's answer was simple, but it was all Jesse needed to hear.

"I'm sorry." Petra looked at Jesse, confused. "I didn't save you. I could've saved you , or Gabriel. I choose him, because I thought you were strong enough." Petra hugged Jesse tighter, but she just pulled away. "I thought you died!"


"And if you did, it would've been my fault!"

"Jesse!" The girl stopped ranting, and turned, tears pouring like a waterfall. "I didn't die! I only have memory loss, and that's it!"

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. It's not your fault." Petra pulled the girl closer yet again. Her hand move from Jesse's shoulder, to her head,lightly pushing it against her. "I don't think, that if I remembered you, I'd be able to do this."

"Wha-" Jesse was cut off my Petra's lips pushed against her. Pulling away, Jesse smiled and looked into Petra's eyes.

"You better not remember that."

This one was long compared to my other ones, hope you enjoyed.

-Bella (A.K.A. Socially Awkward Potato)

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