Rachel started to open her eyes. The headache was unbearable. Her head was throbbing.A bright light hanged over her. She moved her head on the side, feeling fabric underneath her cheek. Her vision was so blurry from being out for so long.
Where am I? Rachel thought. She coughed to clear her throat. Then she realized.
She could finally breathe. After holding her breath for two hours and almost suffocating under a pile of suits, she survived. Rachel felt relieved, but she didn't feel that way for too long.Where did Freddy go? She thought. She remembered seeing him before she blacked out.
She sat up as her vision cleared. She rubbed her forehead for the pain to go away. Her stomach began to growl. She was so hungry. Rachel had to find something to eat.
There was a blanket-like cloth covering her. There was another cloth that was folded where her head was rested on.Who did this? Rachel thought, Someone must've been here and wanted to make me feel at home...
Rachel looked at her surroundings. She was in the Parts in Service room on the table. She saw the metal door was soaked with blood. Then she realized, what was under the table? The bloody dismembered head. She didn't dare look under the table.
Instead, she looked at all the heads on the shelves.Did the animatronics really stuff people in these suits? She asked herself.
"HeLlO lItTLe GiRl," An odd voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked around for the speaker, but didn't find anyone.
"Who's there?" She called.
"mE," The voice said. A white animatronic head popped up. Rachel screamed.
"STAY AWAY!! GET AWAY!!" She yelled to the fox. Rachel kicked her feet as she tried to scoot to the far corner of the table. Her left leg filled with pain as she flicked it at the toy. But she couldn't stop kicking, she had to protect herself.
The robot maneuvered Rachel's kicking and grabbed her right ankle with ease.
The fox had a firm grip, but had calm, soft eyes." iT's Ok." Toy Foxy said as she saw tears leak out of Rachel's eyes, "i'M sOrRy I sCaReD yOu. I wAs ExCiTeD tO sEe YoU," The bot let go of her ankle.
Rachel froze in fear. Chills ran down her back. An animatronic was talking to her. She couldn't run away. What could she do? Should she talk to her?
She seems like she is concerned that she scared me....
No... She's just like Freddy, a lier.....
I can't trust her....Talk to her... She won't bite... the voice echoed in her ears.
Are you sure about that? Rachel thought, It's pretty obvious that she bit someone before....
Trust me.... You will be fine....
Rachel gulped. Was it right? Will the tangled bot not hurt her?
"B-but, what happened to y-your voice?" Rachel stammered.
"kIdS kEpT pLaYiNg WiTh It," Toy Foxy replied, " PrEtTy SoOn It StArTeD bReAkInG."
"Oh, is that also what happened to your body? Kids were playing with it too?" Rachel wondered.
"YeAh... ThE kIdS aNd ThE sTaFf StArTeD cAlLiNg Me 'ThE mAnGlE'," The animatronic replied.
"The Mangle?" Rachel repeated.
"It sounds like a mean name."
"i FeLt ThE sAmE wAy At FiRsT, bUt AfTeR a CoUpLe Of WeEkS tHe NaMe StUcK. aNd NoW eVeRyOnE cAlLs Me 'MaNgLe'." The white fox explained.
Rachel looked around the room, " Why are there no parts for you?"
"tHeY rAn OuT. " Toy Foxy replied, " tHe KiDs AlWaYs MeSsEd Me Up AfTeR tHe StAfF fIx Me. SoOn AfTeR, tHe StAfF uSeD tHe LaSt SuIt AnD tHaT oNe GoT dEsTrOyEd ToO."
"Did the manager order new parts?"
"yEs. ThErE wAs SuPpOsEd A sHiPmEnT bUt It NeVeR cAmE. wE sOoN lEaRnEd ThAt ThE tRuCk My PaRtS wErE iN, cRaShEd ThRoUgH a GuArDrAiL aNd TuMbLeD iNtO tHe TrEeS." The toy animatronic explained.
Rachel 's eyes went wide, "Oh... I feel so bad."
"wElL i StIlL hAvE sOmE aDvAnTaGeS," Mangle said, "i CaN gO oN tHe CeIlInG aNd ScArE eVeRyOnE!" She smiled.
"You can go on the ceiling?" Rachel wanted to hear more.
The fox nodded. Rachel scooted closer to the toy.
All the sudden, there was knocking on the metal door. Goosebumps spread all over Rachel's skin. Was it Bonnie? Or was it the bear who wouldn't leave her alone?"yEs FrEdDy, ShE's AwAkE, jUsT gIvE hEr A mInUtE!!!!!!!" Mangle shouted.
The door knob turned.
Rachel didn't want to see that bear again. He was the one who wanted to eat her. He was the one who followed her as if she had broke out of jail. She looked at the white fox with uneasiness. Mangle looked at her with calm reassuring eyes.
"iT's AlL rIgHt." She whispered as the animatronic rubbed Rachel's hand with one of her misplaced arms. Rachel felt a little reassured. But she was still uncomfortable about who was outside the room.
She gulped as the door opened a slit.
"I wasn't even going to ask that." A deep voice replied.
Rachel flinched at the voice. She wasn't expecting to hear Freddy's voice again."Chica just wants to know if she wants anything." The bear continued.
"dO yOu WaNt SoMeThInG?" Mangle quietly asked. Rachel shrugged but didn't make a sound.
"What could I get?"
"We HaVe PiZzA, sAlAd, MoZzArElLa StIcKs.... "
All the choices sounded so good for her stomach. She didn't know which to choose. Her stomach continued to growl. Maybe the voice was right. Maybe Mangle's not so bad. The robot was offering her all these foods that Rachel couldn't deny first hand."AlSo, If YoU wAnT, yOu CoUlD mEeT tHe OtHeRs."
Rachel She quickly shook her head. She didn't want to meet them, she didn't want to see them.
Were they going to think of eating her when they first lay eyes on her? Were they going to fatten her up and devour her like a huge pack of wolves? She couldn't eat, she didn't want to get fattened up. But Rachel had to eat or she'll starve.
What was she going to do? Would they be nice? Would they be willing to be friends?
Then Rachel thought, what about that scene in Finding Nemo? The sharks thought that the fish were their friends, not food....
Maybe Freddy and the others thought the same. But what about all those incidents with them chopping kids' heads off? Were they on accident? Or on purpose?"iT's Ok. ThEy WoN't HuRt YoU. iF tHeY dO, i'Ll KiCk ThEiR bUtTs!!" Mangle declared.
Rachel smiled. As long as the white fox was by her side, she was safe.
As if the animatronic knew what she was thinking, she coaxed Rachel off the table. She landed on her two feet but her left leg immediately cried in pain. Rachel grasped the table as she lifted the hurt leg."yOu'Ll HaVe To Be CaReFuL wItH tHaT lEg," Mangle told her."What happened to it?" Rachel questioned.
"FoXy AcCiDeNtLy ScRaTcHeD yOuR lEg WhIlE yOu WeRe UnCoNsCiOuS," The bot explained. Rachel carefully rolled up her pant leg and revealed a cloth wrapped around her calf. Blood was visible through the white fabric.
"Is it treated properly?" Rachel looked up at the fox.
Mangle nodded, "FrEdDy DiD mOsT oF tHe WoRk. He ClEaNeD uP tHe WoUnD, pUt OiNtMeNt On It, ThEn BoNnIe CoVeReD iT wItH tHe ClOtH."Rachel was surprised.
They.... Helped her.....
Hi guys,Sorry that this is the last chapter.
But check out my new current chapter book "With Hearts Not Filled, Blood is Spilled"We can also keep in touch in STEAM. My account is Briettafox.
FYI I just got STEAM so I need a little bit to adjust. :PBriettafox out!!!!!
The Monsters Next Door (Discontinued)
FanfictionWhat if you were trapped in a place... With no way out... And you were not alone.....?