Devil! Sinbad x Angel! Reader (Demon's Halo) ~Part 2~

763 29 2

(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = last name
(e/c) = eye color
(s/c) = skin color
(f/c) = favorite color
(f/f)  = favorite flower

Not a Request


She winced as both the boulder and the thicket brought pain onto her wings. The more (y/n) struggled, more blood would flow down her beloved white feathers. She wheezed for air as her vision is almost blurred out.  But at that moment when she saw the purple-haired demon, she was in the verge of dying.... And half in hopes to live. Not letting her know,  Sinbad made sure that she was safely away from the boulder and the thicket. Carrying her in his arms, wearing her heavy sachel, and making sure that her wounded wings are  safely elevated.  Realization struck him like a bolt of lighting. 

'Why am I helping an angel like her?!'

He panicked in his thoughts,  but later...  He became fond of the beautiful creature.  Ignoring the facts that he might get in big trouble when they hear or see what he have just committed, every part of Hell would be in utter chaos,  now that their king is helping the enemy.  A sigh escaped his lips as he gently laid her onto a soft patch of grass in a nearby lagoon,  where the water reflected the lush,  green surface above. 


(y/n)'s P. O. V.

'Ah,  is this the end? First I get my beloved wings damaged...  And now a demon has caught sight of me?  I do not wish to die yet...'

Are the words that circled my mind.  I am utterly defenseless...  For who knows how long. Even though I'm scared;  I feel comfort,  and warmth holding my frail body close. In a split second when I felt my wings touched,  my (e/c) eyes bolted open as I flinched,  and I backed away from the stranger...  A horned-winged stranger to be exact. 

"WHO ARE YOU?!  STAY AWAY FROM ME, FIEND!" I screamed at him in fear...  But I did my best to act strong and tough.  I saw demons kill my kind for as long as I lived...  And I wish for this damned war to end!  But instead of attacking me,  he looked up with his golden-orbs...  In which caught mine in an instant.  "Miss,  I apologize if I startled you.  But I mean no harm" he says in a soothing voice.  I trembled when he inched closer and closer to me.  I didn't believe him at first.  When he was in front of me,  I closed my eyes and waited for an impact from a slap or something.  Everyome knows that demons are ruthless creatures that could kill you in an instant.  Yet, in a blink of an eye,  he placed his palms of his hands on the tips of my feathers.  At that moment,  it glowed (f/c), and my wings are fully healed.  "I-I...  I don't understand..." I stuttered when he gave a heartwarming smile to me.  "Thank you...  But, why didn't you kill me?  Aren't your kind supposed to have bloodlust?"

I cocked an eyebrow at the purple-headed male when he nodded,  suspicious of his unusual behaviour for a demon.  "Your welcome...  But in my case,  I don't even like the war that much.  Sure we're creatures that show no mercy...  But that doesn't mean we have a soft spot... I'm Sinbad by the way.  You can call me Sin!"

For the first time in my life...  My heart pounded with such joy.  I can't believe that a demon had it in him to save my only kind.  "I'm (y/n)...  (y/n)  (l/n)...." I hesitantly smiled at him.  "I should go...  If anyone in the Demon Royal Family Tree would know your interaction with an angel..  It will be the death of you"


Sinbad's P. O. V.

And with that..  She took off into the blue skies, and not letting me tell her that I AM,  the Demon King. Disappointed,  I was about to return back to my realm...  But instead,  I received a note attached to an angel feather.  It said..:

'I wish to see you again soon'

Such excitement was bombarded into my system... Little did she know,  I also slipped a little surprise inside that sachel of hers. Making me rush my flying towards my bedroom balcony.  When I arrived,  I could here Kougokyou's whining outside the door,  where Sharrkan was.

"LET. ME. IN!  I wish too see my loving future-husband!"

"I cannot allow you to do so..  For my King ordered me to"


"Well,  that will be a problem"


"Because he doesn't want you to do that..."


With that... I could hear her furious steps getting fader by the minute. After her tantrum,  I popped my head out the doorways to see my loyal guard sweating.  "Don't worry...  Your safe Sharrkan... Thanks again...." I smile at him.  "Anytime Your Highness"


(y/n)'s P. O. V.

My pace hastened every second that passed,  until I landed inside the golden gates in time when the clock rang for 6:00. It's traditional for us angels to be safely inside those bars before the clock rings, or else we might become targets of the dusk rogues.  What are they? Let's say that they are in the command of the demons to slay every angel who didn't come to heaven in time. It's been this way ever since. To check if I I didn't miss anything in the list...  Well, except for the 'Tears of Gold', I shuffled carefully and found a newly bloomed (f/f),  placed right in the middle.

As I brushed my (s/c) palms against it's beautiful petals, I noticed a note that was tied on it's stem. Curious as I was...  I opened it.  Once I did...  It had a reply.  His reply... 

'And as I...  To know you thus,  my lady~'

It felt as if my own holy spirit was flying away from my body as I blushed a crimson red. But wait.................

'I'm falling for a demon.  An enemy,  to my own kind'


Word Count: 1,110


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