Muu x Enslaved! Reader (Breaking Chains)

834 26 4

(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = last name
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color
(s/c) = skin color
(f/f) = favorite flower
(v/n) = village's name
(c/n) = child's name

Requested by: SakuraGarcia8

Gem here!  Sorry for the late upload...  I have been pretty sick lately and I'm still stuck in bed with a cold.  Anyways,  even if my voice is raspy and my throat hurts like hell,  I can manage it.  ☺😭😷

I hope you all enjoy!

Warning: Cursed words will be used in this shot...

P. S.  This one-shot may contain gruisome scenarios...  And may not be suitable for young audiences...  Parental guidance is advised...

P. P. S.  Lol..  But it is true..  Read at your own risk 😂⚠


Tink! Clang! Clink!

Are the sounds (y/n) could only hear everyday.

Tink! Clang! Clink!

Whenever she walks,  whenever she stops,  and whenever she sleeps.

Tink! Clang!  Clink!

The sound of chains...

Tink! Clang! Clink!

Everyday, she gets tortured.

Tink! Clang! Clink!

And her fellow slaves would die off one by one,  each in their own cell.


But..... she was willing to fight for her freedom.



"Mom!  No!" A certain child cried as her mother tragically got beheaded in front of her.


Little (y/n) (l/n)  was born in a humble, simple family. She was loved, protected,  and well-sheltered. Her father was a very successful merchant,  while her mother was yet a simple market vendor.

It all started on a peaceful summer morning.  Children playing, people laughing, and horses pulling carts full of products from other places. 

Among the crowd, was a (h/c)-haired girl,  rushing towards a (f/c) vegetable stand where a similar, more mature looking woman sat while fanning the flies away. The 8-year old child was pulling a large cart full of crates, filled with newly harvested corn, grains of rice,  wheat, cabbages and tomatoes;  despite her small figure.

"Mom!  I have the orders Miss Aria managed for you in her garden!" (y/n) smiled brightly as her mother stood up.  "Thank you dear~ Now,  can you help me put these in the stand?" "Sure~!"

Even after a stressful day at the market,  the girl and her parents would still peacefully drift into their slumber every night... 

Except that one evening.

Bright embering flames covered (v/n) as a whole,  thus carrying the people's lives along with it.  With the battalion of invading soldiers right behind their heels,  (y/n)'s father led the girl and her mother towards the outskirts of town.

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