Sinbad x Reader (Pinkie Promise) {Modern AU}

908 42 6

(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = last name
(n/n) = nickname
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color
(s/c) = skin color
(f/c) = favorite color
(c/n) = company's name
(b/n) = baby's name

Requested By: Esmerelda_17

This request was soooo cute~! I still remember the time when I had my first crush...  -freezes-

I-I..   E-erm...  HEY!  FORGET WHAT I SAID!

( ̄◇ ̄;)


P. S.  Sorry for the long update!  Author-chan is apart of a play that ended 10:00 in the evening...


P. P. S.  The places from the Magi Series are in their modern day version ukie?

P. P. P. S.  This one-shot might take longer than expected. 




"Don't go too far...  Ok (y/n)?" Her mother says in a warm voice as she nodded.  "Ok mommy!" And with that,  the 5 year old child went to chase her (f/c) ball that went under the monkey bars. The girl's (h/c) hair danced along the summer breeze as her (e/c)  eyes dilated on how happy she was.

(y/n) (l/n) was born as the only child in the (l/n) family. Through her years,  she has been very lonely. Nobody to play with, nobody to talk to, and so far... She hasn't been able to make any friends. Well, except for her parents.  But this was way too different.

When (y/n) was ready to pick up her ball,  it was then kicked out of her grasps.  "Hey!  What was that for?!" She gasped and a bully about her age, pushed her to the ground.  "And what's a wimpy kid like you doing in this park?!" The leader growled as the other 2 snickered and laughed.  When (y/n) was about to cry,  purple hair could be spotted in the corner of her eye. "Hey! Stop hurting her!" The boy yelled at them and stood in front of (y/n). "Or what pipsqueak? You don't even have enough mustle to move a rock!" And in a split second, a black eye could be seen in the bully's eye.  "O-ow!!!!!  I-I'm gonna tell m-my mom!"

"Who's the wimpy kid now?  Dork..." The mysterious purple-headed child smirks as the three ran in an instant. "You ok?" He asks. "Y-yeah..." (y/n) whimpered as the boy pulled her up, and handed her ball.  "Here... Whats your name? I'm Sinbad" he smiles.

But at that very moment,  the (h/c)-haired girl's heart skipped a beat. "I-I'm..."

"(y/n)!!  Its time to go home!" Her mother calls from the distance as she never knew her daughter had a fight. "Coming!  I-I have to go.  I-I hope I will see you soon.." The girl then ran to her mom and dad.  "Thanks again Sinbad!"

The boy stood there with a blush forming in his cheeks. "(y/n)...." he smiles. "Your welcome..  And I hope we will."


Days would pass and the two would always meet at the same park.  Sometimes, (y/n) would even make flower crowns for the both of them! Even so,  when there is happiness,  comes a tragedy.

When (y/n) turned 14, her father decided to switch jobs with a retiring close friend in the Dark Continent. Job openings are flooding over there,  so that means she has to leave.

"You can't be serious (n/n)... Please don't go.." Sinbad cried as the female also felt her warm tears falling down her (s/c) cheeks. Her (e/c)-colored orbs glistened as she held her friend close. "I-I...  I'm so sorry..." She whimpered as the boy pulled away from their hug. 

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