Feelings pt.1

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Ok guys so on this chapter it's going to be all about Kim and Him also
There is going to be a light smut
Kim's pov
When we arrived at a cafe.....he quickly parked the car and told me to wait." Princess wait, don't open your door", he said. I saw him go around the car and he opened my door for me,"wow your such a gentleman"I teased and he gave me his box smile. We both went inside the cafe.... it was really pretty...we both went to sir at a table near the window."Hi welcome to Cheong Chun.....what would you like to order",said one of the waitresses."I would like a caramel cappuccino", Tae said."I would like a caramel macchiato please", I said and she nodded. After the waitress left I took my phone....I looked up and saw Tae staring at me," Umm..... is there something wrong", i said."Oh no.... it's just that I was thinking..... about you", he said.... his words made me flush red." I-i....um what do you mean by...t-that", I asked nervously. He just chuckled a bit and gave me his big boxy smile....," aww I love his smile... he looks so handsome......I guess it's best to move on since Jungkook would never accept me", I thought to myself.
After our coffees came,we drank them and had a little conversation.....then we left and he took me back home.
Taehyung's pov
After we both left the cafe.... I couldn't stop smiling...." God.... I've never had this much fun with a girl before.... yes I dated other girls but it only lasted for like a day... they would get so clingy and start being annoying.... but she's different... she makes me feel something inside my stomach....no other girl gave me this feeling....is this perhaps love that I feel..?,I thought to myself.i quickly snapped out of my thoughts when we arrived at her house......, I got out of my car before she did and opened the door for her."Here let me help you",I said sticking my hand out for her to hold and giving her my boxy smile. She just chuckled a bit and took my hand...."OMG.....I love the way she laughs", I thought to myself.
Kim's pov
Tae gave me a hand and helped me get out of his car while giving me his beautiful boxy smile." "Gomabseubnida, I had a great time",I said to him.....I was about to leave when he got my wrist and turned me around to face him..., I flinched a little by his sudden actions but then he hugged me. He felt so warm..... like a giant teddy bear.... my arms acted on its own and wrapped them around his waist.....he kinda got startled but then hugged me tighter, I couldn't help but blush. Then...I don't know what got over me but.....I grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled him closer to me so that my lips were touching his. He froze for a minute before he began to return the kiss. His lips felt so different from Jungkook's..... they were soft and moist.....it felt so amazing having them on mine. He then got my waist and pulled me closer to him.....he then licked my bottom lip for entrance and I let him. Our lips were in sync... but then the kiss started to get heated and more passionate... I felt like I was going to melt.
Taehyung's pov
I was shocked at first because it's the first time that I ever felt like melting in a kiss....her lips were so sweet and plump.... it was irresistible....I didn't want to ever pull away. I then grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me ....I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she did....,the kiss started to get more heated...more and more passionate.
I felt her flinch a little but responded back immediately....our lips moved in sync with one another....it was like I was dreaming. I decided to take a step further.....I trailed down kisses to her jawline and looked up waiting for her reaction."Ahhh... T-Tae......she said,which drives me even more crazy. I trailed kissing down to her neck and started to kiss and suck on it."Mmm....T-Tae.....my n-neighbors will h-hear m-me..., she said as she tried to hold in her moans."I....i...um I'm sorry.....I-I don't know what came over me.....I'm really sorry Kim....I'll go now.. um goodnight",I said and then left.
Kim's pov
"Did that just really happened..?!?,I mumbled and went inside my house. I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face and change into a comftable t-shirt and a pair of shorts.
I laid in bad for a couple a minutes,"Oh shit I forgot that I had homework", I said as I quickly went to get my books from my backpack...luckily it was still early...i checked my phone and saw that it was 8:50,"Eh...I stilll have plenty of time", I said. I finished my homework and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water....but then my phone rang and saw that it was a text from Tae. I picked my phone up and saw the message.
Hey Kim sorry for what happened earlier.....it's ok if you don't want to see me anymore....I was being a jerk and only thinking about my feelings and not yours.....and again I'm sorry, I'll see around tomorrow.
Good night🙂
WOW....I hope you guys liked this chapter. What would happen with their relationship...would Kim love Tae back or would she still have feelings for Jungkook. You will find out in
Feelings pt.2
I'm sorry if it was too long but I promise that I the next chapter I would include Jungkook and more.😊😁

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