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Time skip to after school
Kim's pov's been I a long day....I couldn't think since I had Jungkook on my mind. I feel really nervous that we are going to do the project at his house." Alone in his house....only me and him", I thought to myself as I was arriving home. When I arrived home I quickly went to take a shower.....after that I decided to wear my mint green long sleeve shirt that had grey on the sleeves with a pair of shorts.

after that I decided to wear my mint green long sleeve shirt that had grey on the sleeves with a pair of shorts

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After Jungkook and I agreed to meet up at his house....we exchanged numbers," hey remember to text me your address", he said and I nodded and we both left.
End of flashback
As I finished preparing myself...I decided to watch tv for a while before I text him since I still had an hour before 6:00. Around 30 min later I texted him.
Hey Kookie I'm ready's my address....534 Sonhong st
Ok I'll be there in 10 min.....don't forget to bring your books😊😝
Haha...very funny...I won't forget them😝
Jungkook's pov
When I received her address...I quickly typed it in my phone and left to pick her up. I arrived and parked my car in front of her house.
Hey I'm here already 😊
Ok I'll be out in a sec😊
Kim's pov
I quickly turned the tv off and went to get my books and headed for the door. When I got closer I saw Jungkook leaning against his car." ready", he said and I nodded.....then we left to his house. It was quite during the ride.....but then he broke the silence," Hey.....I'm kinda you want to go eat first then do the project?", he said. " Um...I think we should get takeout and eat at your house", I said and he nodded. We got our food and finally arrived at his was a two story house like mine but more bigger. After he parked his car we both got out and headed towards the front door. When he unlocked the door I was really amazed by how the house was decorated," wow it's beautiful", I said." Not as beautiful as you",he said and winked at me." Oh god....stop with those cheesy jokes", I said, " I mean it when I say that your really beautiful", he said which made me blush a little. We headed towards his kitchen and sat across from each other.....we began to eat," Hey....what do you want to drink", he said,"anything is fine", I said and he nodded. He came back with our drinks and we began to eat. I had Bulgogi with a side of kimchi while he had Bibimbap with a side of japchae. "Ok so after we finish eating we will work on the assignment in my room since I have my things prepared up there", he said and I nodded but felt nervous.
Jungkook's pov
When we were finished eating we headed to my room.....I was surprised that she didn't say no since it's just the two of my room.....nononono what am I thinking we're just friends...I will wait for her no matter what. We entered my room and she immediately began to place her books on my desk and sat down in my chair....I didn't mind so it was ok if she did things without asking.
"Ok so I decided that you and me should plot the research so that we can finish this faster", she said and I nodded...she smiled...."oh god my heart still flutters for her" I thought.
When I was researching....I turned around to see Kim working hard and being really focused.....she looks cute when she's so focused....."ahhh snap out of your work",i said and went back to work. After what seemed like hours of research and writing....I asked her if she wanted a snack and she nodded. I brought back some ice cream.....her eyes gleamed with joy." Ok so I have mint chocolate chip or cookies and cream...pick one", I said....she chose the cookies and cream one so I ate the min chocolate chip ice cream. When I was eating my ice cream...I saw her staring at me", Why are you looking at you want some of mine?", I asked."'s just that I've been thinking...oh never mind." No.....what's wrong...what have you been thinking?", I asked," I told you it's nothing", she said so I finally agreed and she smiled.
Kim's pov
"Ok all done over here....what about you Jungkook..?",i asked."I'm almost done....I just need a little bit more information", he said to me and so I nodded. I decided to take a quick nap....I felt really tired....the last thing I remember was seeing Jungkook finishing our work. Kim....Kim..hey wake up it's time for you to go home", he said." I'm sorry for falling asleep....I should've just asked you earlier to take me home", I said, " it's looked so peaceful while sleeping so I didn't say anything", he said.We finally finished was now 9:50,"Hey can take me back home now it's pretty late", i said..he nodded and took me home. After we arrived I got out of his car,"Thanks for dropping me off....I'll see you tomorrow then", I said and waved goodbye.....he did the same and drove off." Ugh..I'm so tired",I said to myself..., I quickly went to my room and just plopped myself in bed and fell asleep.
Thanks for reading this chapter....I hope you guys enjoyed it.....I will try my best to update as soon as possible

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