Who are you?

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At the hospital
Jungkook's pov
When we took Kim to the hospital I immediately began to panic,"why does this always happen to her....why not me...she hasn't done anything wrong...I'm the one who should be punished not her", I thought as I felt more tears rolling down my cheeks. It's been an hour.....the doctor hasn't come out yet and tell me what's wrong with her. Just then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder....."Hey.....how are you doing", said the stranger, I turned around and saw that it was Jin and the rest of the guys. I couldn't speak.....Taehyung came by my side and embraced me...."Tae...I don't want to lose her," I said while crying on his shoulder."No....so don't say that.....we all know she's going to be ok", Taehyung said.
Finally the doctor arrived....." gosh it's been three hours.....what happened in there?", I thought.
"Are you Lee Kim's guardian?", the doctor said and I nodded. " well....umm..I don't how to say this...but", he said but I cut him off. I grabbed him by his collar," what happened.....why did you take so long....just tell me her condition", i said angrily. Then Jin pulled me away from the doctor," Jungkook calm down...let him speak", Jin said and I just apologized to him." I'm sorry.....but.....Kim had severe head injury....that...she is in a coma and we don't know when she will wake up", the doctor said. Hearing those words made me feel like I was slowly dying inside. I dropped myself to my knees and began to cry.
Jin's pov
When the doctor told us the news....I
was shocked....we all know how much Jungkook loves her......it breaks my heart seeing one of my best friends hurt. After the doctor left.....Jungkook and the rest of us went to go see Kim. We arrived at her door and went inside......,Jungkook immediately rushed to be by her side while the rest of us waited by the door.
Jungkook's pov
I entered her room and saw her attached to wires......I started to tear up." Kim....b-baby.....p-please wake up....I need you...", I said while sobbing. I couldn't believe it......I kept closing my eyes and hoping that all this was just a dream.....but it wasn't.....it was real.....it was all real." Kim.....please don't go....i can't lose you.....your my everything", I said while holding her hand tight as tears were falling. It's been hours and she still hasn't woken up....I decided to stay by her side until she wakes up....the rest of the guys left a couple of hours ago.....I got my phone and called Tae to bring me a change of clothes tomorrow morning.
I was there sitting next to her.....I kept talking to her hoping she will be able to hear me."Kim..... you know when this is all over I'm going to ask  you to be my wife....I really love you...I can't live with out you....I want to have a family of my own.....I want to be our future kids father and be one big happy family", I said while trying to hold back my tears.
The last thing I remember was seeing her pale face when I drifted off to sleep not letting go of her hand.
1 week later
Jungkook's pov
Its been a week since the accident.....but she still hasn't woken up....the doctors told me that she might wake up in a few days, weeks, months and even years. I have been going to school....but it's not the same....I don't listen to teachers....I haven't slept, or eaten in while. I don't want to do anything.....I miss Kim so much...I want to hear her voice...I want to kiss her and hug her tightly and never let her go. Everyday after school I will immediately leave to go and see Kim hoping for good news. School was over and I rushed to my locker and got my belongings until I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around and saw the worst person that I least want to see." What do you want", I said in a cold voice. "Why are you being so cold to me kookie", she said......kookie....ugh I hated when she calls me that...only one person can call me that and it's my girlfriend,Lee Kim." DONT call me that", I said coldly. She got closer to me but I pushed her away." I said...WHAT DO YOU WANT!", I yelled at her."wait..don't tell me your still with that slut?", she asked. "LISTEN...the only SLUT here is YOU",I said coldly. "Don't ever talk about MY GIRLFRIEND like that ever again.... don't bother me or her EVER AGAIN, STAY AWAY FROM US", I yelled and she just left.
I quickly finished packing and left to the hospital. When I arrived....I saw Taehyung and Mina...,"Hey...is there any news about Kim", I asked and they nodded no. I then went to check on her....she was still there on the bed where she lied and look lifeless. I decided o spend the night with her,"Good thing I brought extra clothes", I mumbled to myself. I sat next to her like always and just admired her beauty...sometimes I think that what did I do to be the luckiest guy on earth with a princess...no...with a queen by my side. I soon felt sleepy and decided to have a nap.
Kim's pov
I feel strange....where am I.....who am I....why am I inside a dark room....I heard a voice but I don't know who's it belong to. I woke up and felt really tired like if I took a long ass nap. I looked around and saw that I was in a white room...I then looked down and almost freaked out that there was a guy holding my hand...he then woke up.
Jungkook's pov
I was slowly waking up and opened my eyes when I saw Kim staring at me....I right away got up and hugged her. I can feel that she was uncomfortable because she just froze there."Hey...babe are you ok", I said but she looked confused.
"Um.....sorry but....who are you?",she said.
Cliff hanger....I'm so evil(not really) but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter....thank you for reading and I will update as soon as possible😊😝😲😉

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