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Kim's pov
I woke up and got ready for school,I decided to wear my green blouse with a pair of ripped jeans and my light brown boots.

Kim's povI woke up and got ready for school,I decided to wear my green blouse with a pair of ripped jeans and my light brown boots

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As I went to the bathroom.... I did my usual morning routine.....wash face,apply light makeup, and do my hair. I decided to do a fish braid:

I decided to skip breakfast and go to school early

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I decided to skip breakfast and go to school early...I might buy something on the way. As I was approaching the school gate I saw Jungkook and his friends...... I made my way to them,"hi guys", I said." Hey Kim",they all said in unison." So what are you doing here this early at school you still got an hour before school starts", Jimin said."Oh I got up earlier than usual so I decided to come here since it's boring being alone at my house",I said." Hey Kim can we talk"Jungkook said, I nodded." Well I guess we are leaving guys", Jin said. When they all left it was just me and Jungkook," so um.....what you said yesterday...... I need time to think and reconstruct my feelings before I form a relationship with you", I said." It's I said that I will wait for you", he said while smiling." Then can we start as being friends", I said and he smiled and nodded.
Time skip to lunchtime
Jungkook's pov
I entered lunch with my group and like always.....fangirls got so annoying."Jungkook Oppa... can I sit with you",Veronica said while clinging to my arm and pressing her body against mine." No Veronica....I told already that we were never a thing I was just using stop bothering me", I said while removing her away from me."Who is she.....did you find someone better than me....huh?", she shouted at me."'s not your business.... leave me alone and don't even try to spy on me", I shouted back, she flinched and left.
Veronica's pov
"Ugh....I'm going to find out who this girl is and I will make her pay for stealing my kookie away from me",I thought and smirked.
Time skip to next day
Kim's pov
"Ugh....only two more days till the weekend....I can't wait", I thought to myself as I was walking to school.
I arrived to my classroom and took my books out to be ready when the teacher was still pretty early but it's only 10 min till class started so I decided to read a book in the meantime. When I was reading my book someone tapped my shoulder,"Hey what are you reading Kim.....your so focused on your book that you didn't even hear me calling out your name", he said." Oh hey Tae.....oh I'm reading Two paths that parts's a romance yeah" I said shyly.
Finally other students came before the teacher did.....I saw Jungkook enter and he noticed me looking at him so I gave him a smile and he did the same.He sat down on his seat, which is next to mine. We waited for another 10 min after the bell rang.....until the Mrs. Min came in." "Hello class sorry I'm late I had to take care of my daughter", she said. " we will start a research project on the history of Korea", she said. "For this project you need to be in pairs of two, so when you pick your partner let me know",she said.I turned head and saw Jungkook already looking at me," Hey wanna be my partner", he asked while smiling...I nodded and we told Mrs. Min. I got a few glares from some of his fangirls but I didn't care.
"Ok so you do the research and I'll do the",I said and he nodded." Ok so do you want to meet up at my house today at 6:00", he said." Yea I'll see later then",I said.
Time skip to lunchtime
Kim's pov
I was packing my stuff in my backpack when I heard a girl crying....I went to check on her to make sure she was ok.
I found her inside the janitors closer curled up in the corner crying."Hey... are you ok..can you stand up...?, I said.... she nodded and stood up." Umm... sorry that you had to worry I'll leave now..., she said but I stopped her,"hey it's ok...I'm Lee Kim nice to meet you.
"I-I'm Mina...Park Mina...nice to meet you too", she said and I smiled. "Hey do you want to have lunch together"
I said." want lunch with me....but I'm just a nerd...nobody wants to sit with a nerd", she said while frowning." Well you wanna know a secret... I'm a nerd too but I decided to dress more like a girl to stand up for myself and block the haters", I said with a smile and she nodded."Great then let's go", I said while grabbing my backpack. We entered the lunchroom and got our lunches.....we were looking for a spot to sit when Jungkook and his friends waved to me."Hey Mina I found a spot for us", I pointed to her." WHAT.....we can't sit with them they the most popular guys in school", she said nervously." It's ok they are my friends". I said and she nodded.
Jungkook's pov
I saw Kim and another girl next to her walking to find a seat.....I waved my hand so that she and her friend can come sit with us." Hey guys.... mind if we sit here", she said." No not all", we all said in unison.Kim sat next to me and her friend sat next to her with Tae on the other side of her."Hey guys this is my friend.....Park Mina", Kim said."Hey....nice to meet you name is Taehyung....he said while showing his box smile at her,"aww they look so cute together", I thought to myself.
............................................... wow that was long.....but hopefully you guys liked it....I will try to post once a day so please bare with me💖💖

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