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Next day
Kim's pov
I woke up in arms of my kookie......I was so happy.....I have never felt this happy. I decided to wake up and make breakfast.....since it was Saturday I took my time to get ready and headed towards the kitchen."Hmmmm.....what should I make for kookie and me", I thought as I felt two hands wrapped around my waist." Good morning babe...I missed you", he said while smiling brightly showing his bunny smile." Good morning kookie", I said and turned around to peck his lips." What are you doing here in the kitchen so early", he asked,"oh....I wanted to surprise you by making breakfast in bed for you", I said and he smiled.
Jungkook's pov
"So what are you gonna make me", I said. She stared to think......she looked cute when she was thinking." Oh I know how about I make you some pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon", she said." Well that sounds great and all but.....I'm kinda hungry for something else", I said while smirking." Yah....Jeon Jungkook", she yelled," I'm just kidding.....I will help you make it", I said and she smiled.
After we ate breakfast I asked her,"Hey you want to go to the park today", i said and she nodded. I texted Taehyung to bring me some clothes for me to change into.
Hey Tae can you bring me some clothes.....I'm at Kim's house
Yeah.....but what are you doing at her house so early in the morning.....wait....don't tell me you actually did it already😲
Yah Taehyung.....just bring me my clothes....I'm going to the park with Kim later....., oh since we're going to the park,do you and Mina want to come along?
Yea I'll tell Mina......I'll be right over in a bit
Ok I'll see you later then
I put my phone down and went over to find Kim," Babe....where are you", I called out." I'm over here in my room", she yelled out. I went to her room and saw that she was in her closet," need help", I said and she nodded." Can you help me find my my gray shirt while I look for my Nike black pants", she said and I nodded. We finally found her her look is complete.

Kim's povI finally found my outfit and went to the restroom to change

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Kim's pov
I finally found my outfit and went to the restroom to change......ask was changing someone rang the bell," I'll get's Taehyung", he said and left. I quickly put my shoes down and headed downstairs to meet with Jungkook and Taehyung.....wait is that Mina." MINA!", I yelled excitedly."KIM!", she yelled back and we both gave each other a hug while the boys just smiled. After greeting her I pulled her aside with me and told Taehyung and Jungkook that I will take Mina upstairs to my room to talk privately and they both nodded.
When I got to my room I immediately closed my door and hurried over to sit down next to Mina." have you been....I really missed you guys", I said." I've been really good", she said while smiling brightly." Hey....why are you smiling so brightly.....did something happen between you and Taehyung", I questioned her while raising an eyebrow. " Maybe...maybe not", she said and I playfully slapped her shoulder," Yah just tell me already", I said while pouting. She told me that Taehyung asked her out a few days ago and that now they are an official couple." Omg.....congrats",I said while giving her a hug."so now that I've told you how I've's your are things with Jungkook", she said. I then remembered what happened last night......I began to flush red....but then I quickly covered my cheeks with my hands."why are you blushing.....did something happened between you and Jungkook yesterday", she asked while smirking, I nodded. She squealed of happiness," spill it....what happened....wait don't tell me you and Jungkook....", she said and I nodded." But what know...get pregnant", she asked in concerned." It's ok....I asked Jungkook about it....he was happy....he said that he will take care of us", I said while smiling brightly. She nodded and we continued talking.
Jungkook's pov
As Kim and Mina left....Taehyung and me decided to talk about how we've been." So how are things with you and Kim", Taehyung asked." It's really great.....but you know I will be more happy if soon....I can carry my son or daughter in my arms", I said and Taehyung looked at me shocked."Wait....she's pregnant?!?!", he asked." No.....not yet", I said and he just smiled.
After what seemed like hours of talking we then left to go to the park.
" Hey girls let's go to the park",
I said and they nodded. When we got to the park......I felt like I was was so peaceful....but I enjoyed it more because I had the person I love with all my heart here next to me. As we were walking....Kim said that she had to go to the bathroom...I nodded and Mina went as well. Taehyung and I waited for quite a while until Mina came running towards us crying."T-Taehyung,'s Kim she....she was run over by a car", Mina said and I immediately told Mina where and she took us to where Kim was at. Once we heart sank.....I saw her laying on the street, bleeding from her head injury and her arm. I immediately ran over to her side,"KIM....KIM.....KIM......please don't leave....not again," I said as I started to tear up.
20 minutes earlier
Kim's pov
I went to the restroom with Mina behind me....I then saw that there was a suspicious looking car parked on the side of the road but I shrugged it off and kept walking to the restroom.
Once I got there with Mina....someone put a cloth on my mouth from preventing me to was a guy with a mask on. I then saw Mina that was already being held back by another guy. They were taking us to the suspicious car....but I immediately freed myself from his grip....but it ended really bad. I didn't notice that there was a car coming at full speed....the next thing I know my vision turns black.
Mina's pov
After i saw Kim get run over....the guys then let go of me and ran away from the scene..., I quickly gathered my strength and went to run toward where Tae and Jungkook were to tell them what has happened."T-Taehyung,'s Kim she....she was run over by a car", i said while crying. Jungkook told me to tell him where Kim was and rushed immediately to find her.
Thanks for reading this chapter....I really hope you enjoyed it...I will update as soon as I can 😊😆☺️

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